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Current Prejudices against Women in the U.S.

stereotypes about lesser female competence" (Swim et al, 1995, p. 199). Modern sexism, however, is characterized by "the denial of...

Taiwan and the US/Comparing Domestic Violence

domestic violence, offering comparison to the legal standard on this issue in the US. In 1993, a horrific incident, the stabbing ...


Discusses pros and cons of gun control in the U.S. while pointing out that the current solutions aren't particularly effective...

International Relations and Economics

United States was not always at the center of this development, particularly in the beginning. It came to be at the center, howev...

China's Role in the International Steel Industry

and put them to sound business use meant to be the only ones doing so. Business people did not recognize the value of competition...

US-China Trade 2008

Chinas "Exports to the U.S. rose 9.9 percent in the first seven months of 2008 from a year earlier after gaining 8.9 percent in th...

US v Ray 502 US 164 (1991)

In five pages this US Supreme Court case is the focus of this overview that includes facts, procedure, issue, holding, and rationa...

US's New Economy and its Defining Factors

In ten pages this paper considers what defines the emergent new economy of the United States. Twelve sources are cited in the bib...

Northeastern US's Lenni Lenape Indians

In three pages this report considers such topics as geography and conflicts over territory as they relate to the colonial history ...

U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment

In five pages this paper discusses how the 14th Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court. Five sources are cited in th...

Contract with America, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution

In 5 pages this paper compares the Contract with America and the objectives of the U.S. Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution. Four...

The Persian Gulf War and U.S. Involvement

This 7 page paper outlines the factors behind the Persian Gulf War and the U.S. military strategy during the conflict. The writer ...

United States' Policy Against Terrorism

property") and the prohibition of any branch of the U.S. government to conduct unlawful search and seizure investigations against ...

Political Power of Feminists in the US

at the time at the mercy of men. Women had no say so in the political outlook of the country in any shape, form or fashion. Oppr...

Fireflies of the Eastern United States

the females attention away from competing males (Nevins, 1999). Species also vary according to their flight pattern, the time of...

Globalization and Marketing Question

have less well-developed sources of market information than are available in the US: "it is often difficult to locate research da...

Projecting What U.S. International Relations Will Be Like in The 21st Century

cope within a new geopolitical global environment. We have seen a pulling back of support in numerous arenas. One of the events ...

English Law and Theory of Team Production

applying it to English law. The shareholder primacy model reflects the traditional shareholder wealth maximisation model as propos...

The U.S. Decision to Invade Iraq in 2003, Justified with References to John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Nagel and the Principles of Utilitarianism

rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism "supposes that each particular action should be evaluated solely by references to its own ...

2 US Supreme Court Cases on 'Life and Liberty'

terminated, or were about to terminate, such aid without prior notice and hearing, thereby denying them due process of law" (Goldb...

Iraq War and Coverage by the Media

sporadic unless something major happens (like the killing of American civilians or the capture of Saddam Hussein). But critics hav...

A Review of Behind The Urals By John Scott

Americans were asking each other. I decided to go to Russia to work, study, and to lend a hand in the construction of a society w...

Capital Punishment and Donald P. Roper v. Christopher Simmons

death (2004). While evidentiary rules are not pertinent here in terms of the guilt of the defendant, evidence is pertinent in resp...

Abuse and Fraud in Medicare

American Medical Colleges, American Medical Assn. et al. v. United States), which alleged the government is conducting illegal Med...

US and UK Social Security Reforms

certain number of months. For a person born in 1939, as an example, full retirement come at 65 plus 4 months; a person born in 195...

European Perspectie on Trade Disputes Between the United States and the European Union

and does not like being at a disadvantages. Whilst it is understandable and even laudable for a government to support its own co...

Traditional Clothing in the United States and China

generations who have borrowed heavily from Western influence. Jeans, T-shirts and other casual wear are more readily seen in toda...

Company Formation of DaimlerChrysler AG

in Germany, the company falls under the Stock Corporation German law (DaimlerChrysler, 2005g). There are three separate bodies inv...

Training Considerations for Preparing Dealers to Sell An Italian Brand of Short Wave Radio

aficionados. 3. Arrange for an Outside Trainer to Develop and Administer a Training Program Some distributors of consumer e...

US Constitution and Patriot Act Provisions

"march into libraries to demand records of books that targeted individuals have checked inspect records held by third par...