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William Leach's Land of Desire

and leisure. Leach attempts to illustrate that the materialistic world of consumerism was around many decades prior to this time. ...

The Culture in the World of Comics

perpetuate a creative and productive mind; comic books, while appearing to project little more than superficial entertainment, pro...

Comparative Analysis of the Book of Esther and the Book of Ruth

and find a life that surely offered more wealth and more stability. In light of such realities we must argue that Ruth was more th...

Amazon; Expansion and the Future of the Printed Book

This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers the potential of Amazon to expand into ore product lines. The ...

Herbert Gans/Urban Villagers

slum" and while its residents had their own problems, these difficulties did not evolve from living in this neighborhood (Gans xiv...

Weiss: "Marital Separation"

to develop, so that associating with the other makes them feel better about themselves (Weiss, 1975). That is, they have endowed t...

Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

slavery concerns and economic viability. In truth, the ultimate foundations of the government and the people, regardless of the si...

Wright: "The Challenge of Jesus"

and lay persons; those he calls the "next generation of thinking Christians" (Wright). In order to reach these people, however, he...

Paulo Coelho/The Alchemist

he meets, as well as the lessons that he learns. This plot sounds simplistic and stereotypical, and in many ways this is true; how...

Mukherjee: "Jasmine"

her own future. She is a rebel from the beginning, and her desire to be different could be one of the reasons her life takes on wh...

The Likely Effects Of E-Commerce On The Future Of Book Publishing

issues may still have the potential for a very large impact. The idea of the e-book is that a book may be bought in electronic f...

The Book of Good Love by Juan Ruiz

dungeon and as such is nothing more than a simple fun work (The Book of Good Love of Juan Ruiz Archpriest of Hita, 2007). There ar...

Martinson: "Views from a Tuft of Grass"

life, which may help to explain why he wrote about it in detail in Views from a tuft of grass. This book is a collection of essays...

Bone to Pick by Ellis Cose

that surely they had experienced unjust realities, but not really. In short, while this reader/writer has experienced the death of...

Friedman: “Free to Choose”

there is also some "voluntary exchange" contained within it (Friedman). His example here is the Soviet Union, which of course wa...

The Importance Of Nehemiah

out by Nehemiah in two sets, initially and then, upon his return (Eastons Bible Dictionary, 1897). The Book of Nehemiah informs t...


but hopefully an understanding of the issues he raises and attempts to address throughout the book. Overview While well de...

Black Abolitionists by Benjamin Quarles

many different organizations, all the while also illustrating and supporting the truth that so many of the African Americans suppo...

Quantum Healing: By Deepak Chopra

has written; there are even video and audio cassettes/DVDs explaining his approach to healing. As with his other publications, Qua...

Sam Shepard: Cruising Paradise: Tales

could think of was his own breath, and then "Peace, he thought, and as quickly as the thought shaped itself, peace left him" (Shep...

Art Spiegelman on the Holocaust

the beast that was the Holocaust. It is presented as cold and unemotional in many ways, through these very depictions, and also su...

'Settling the Red Planet' and the Text by Zubrin and Wagner

The space program importance of exploring Mars is examined in this textual consideration of the book by Zubrin and Wagner consisti...

Will the Dragon Rise Again? Reviewed

In three pages this paper discusses China's post Confucianism cultural and philosophical transitions within the context of this bo...

Paul Kennedy's Preparing for the Twenty First Century

general. Kennedy does an admirable job of demonstrating how the population explosion that the world is currently experiencing is i...

Anne Moody's Coming of Age in Mississippi

The civil rights movement occupies the primary focus of this book review which consists of two and a half pages....

Memory in the Tenth Book of Confessions by St. Augustine

not be found unless it were in ones memory. Chapter XIX tells what it is to remember. In Augustines...

Homeopathy and Harris L. Coulter's Divided Legacy

This book is summarized and discussed in five pages. There are no other sources listed....

A REview of Black Boy by Richard Wright

A 5 page overview of the religious and supersticious perspectives that interlace this book. 2 sources....

Electromation Inc. and the Dunlop Commission Report's Implications

In eight pages this paper examines the implications of the Dunlop Commission's 1995 report findings on Electromation Inc....

Richard E. Porter and Larry A. Samovar's 'Intercultural Communication'

is titled "Intercultural Interaction: Taking Part in Intercultural Communication." It possesses three chapters, titled "Verbal Pro...