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Chicago's Greek American Community

certain amount of time, as their primary goal was to take their earnings back home and live the life of luxury. Indeed, there was...

Greek Games, Now and Then

This research report examines customs, events, and for example meanings of the Phaeacians' games. Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aen...

Religious Change in America by Andrew M. Greeley

In five pages Greeley's text which discusses the changes in American religious observances is considered and reveals that contrary...

Chinese Female Immigrants

In a paper consisting of sixteen pages the generations of Chinese females who journeyed to America between the years of 1875 and 1...

Information on Japan

during winter is a social custom in Japan, with the legendary Japanese alcoholic beverage sake representing the glory of winter an...

Dual Religions in a Single Family

One family's trials and tribulations associated with dual Catholicism and Judaism religious customs are examined in a research pap...

Native American Ritual and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko II

In five pages this paper considers the customs and rituals of Native American culture and their influence on child development as ...

Ethnography and Eskimo Essays

In ten pages an ethnographic perspective is offered in an exploration of Fineup Riordin's text which considers the Yup'ik Eskimo c...

The Rites of Passage Associated with the Tribal Cultures of Africa

In a paper consisting of twelve pages the African young man's rites of passage are examined in the customs of tribal peoples Masai...

Overview of the United States Customs Service

In six pages this paper presents an overview of the United States Customs Service in terms of its diverse and much needed services...

Realism vs. Romanticism in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In eight pages this paper considers the Custom House Introduction of the eagle and the Chapter 17 meeting between Rev. Arthur Dimm...

Analytical Overview of Utopia by Sir Thomas More

both Baker and Bruce, More is not always consistent in the framework which he sets up for his imaginary society. Bruce addresses h...

Family Systems of China

In seven pages traditional and contemporary Chinese families are compared in terms of marriage customs, power according to gender,...

Marriage Customs of Africa

In a research paper that consists of five pages different marriage customs of Lobola such as laws and bridewealth are explored wit...

Java and its People's Life and Social Customs

In eight pages this paper discusses this island nation's inhabitants in terms of their society, lifestyles, and customs. There ar...

Social Structure, Family Traditions, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota Indians

In ten pages this research paper examines the Eastern Dakota's Sisseton Wahpeton tribe in terms of its political structure, social...

Overview of Japan

This paper consists of six pages and presents an informational overview of Japan in a consideration of culture, customs, rituals, ...

India Business Practices

In ten pages the India business market and its practices are discussed particularly as they relate to Americans who conduct busine...

Global Marketing and Ethical Issues

This research paper consists of seven pages and considers global product marketing and the ethical considerations involved in such...

Legal Concerns When Conducting Business in PostCommunist Romania

In six pages a company's legal considerations regarding conducting business in postCommunist Romania includes discussion of the Ch...

Customs and Procedures for U.S. Imports

In eight pages this paper details the steps involved in the U.S. customs process along with a consideration of necessary documents...

Jewish Custom of Handwashing, Netilat Yadayim

was later extended for handling food. Jesus refers to a controversy going on during his time about whether it was required to wash...

Modern Europe and Old Religions' Influence

It was also the time that farmers harvested their crops. October 31 heralded in a change in lifestyle for people and animals and i...

Chinese and Mexican Communication Across Cultures

When addressing someone in China, one should remember that in China, family names come first. So for example, Mr. Li Hongjun would...

Grecian and Roman Styles of Death

Fields(Pearce, 2002). From early Greek accounts, then, one could easily conclude several things about the ordinary Grecian...

Edmund Burke, Joseph de Maistre, and John Stuart Mill

facilitate a persons physical or moral good. In other words, laws should be formulated only in so far as one persons actions inter...

'Mr. Strehlow's Films' Analyzed

past and present. The result was an overwhelming collection of footage that has since been entitled, Mr. Strehlows Films. Thes...

Trinidad and Tobago and Chutney Music

fusion is quite popular for both English and Hindi lyrics and cross-over music in this realm includes modern western instruments f...

Amish and Samoan Marriage Customs

forms of relationships that occur between unmarried lovers, which involved clandestine encounters. This aspect of Samoan courtship...

Cultural Composition of Germany

Eating for the Germans is more than a physiological requirement; rather, the very act of sharing food symbolizes many things, incl...