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Student Degredation and Oppression Canon

In five pages this argumentative essay implies that the academic canon represents oppression and degradation for contemporary stud...

Effectiveness of the United Nations' Peacekeeping Efforts

peace and, in particular, for the safeguarding of human rights" (Manzower 47(17)). The UN charter was upgraded to provide sanction...

Crime of Computer 'Hacking'

The topic of this argumentative essay consisting of seven pages is computer hacking, which is presented as a serious crime that re...

The 'Rights' and 'Wrongs' of Animal Testing

In an argumentative essay consisting of three pages this issue is evaluated in terms of its pros and cons and serves to debunk any...

In Defense of Religious Pluralism

of religious pluralism, and argue that contrary to the argument offered by Gavin DCosta, religious pluralism does exist and consti...

Embryonic Stem Cell Research/The Debate

the most promising areas of scientific investigation that is currently being conducted, as the benefits from this line of research...

Global Warming/Singer and Avery

and Fleck show argue persuasively that this idea is a myth and never was consensus among scientists that humanity was facing an im...

Self-Sufficiency v. Entitlement

Triple P Resilience v. The Entitlement State Research Compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Janice Vincent, 4/1...

Gant: Upholding Due Process on Search and Seizure

Gant: Upholding the Due Process Model on Search and Seizure Research Compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Jani...

Disturbed's "Inside the Fire" and Ownership by the Devil in a Social Interaction Theory Context

Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Janice Vincent, 4/30/10 VISIT more information on ...

The Value of Personal Knowledge over Classroom Instruction

the Quran. For this young woman, the headscarf is not only a sign of her faith, but a political protest that stems from the lesson...

Should Socialized Medicine for American Children Under Age 18 Be Mandatory?

program of socialized medicine for citizens under age 18 would not in any way jeopardize the American capitalist system. b. Many ...

Do Celebrities Have Ethical Responsibilities to Set Good Examples for Young People?

hard work, and unwavering dedication to achieving her goals while never forgetting the importance of setting a positive example. ...

Why the U.S. Invasion of Iraq is Wrong

a service member in the fighting (Rangel). Otherwise, the Iraq War, and the on-going mess in Afghanistan, have remained unreal to ...

Internet Gambling Should be Banned

(13). Elster contends that gambling addiction comes about slowly and the first step is that someone finds himself in a certain env...

Impact of Advertising

the news and entertainment media draw on advertising revenues for their operating budgets and this afford advertisers considerable...

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

William Shephard described his horror at witnessing this. "Thud-dead; thud-dead;...sixty-two thud-deads" (Leap for life). Shephard...

"Youth Do Not Care About Politics": Why, and What Can be Done?

material possessions and feelings of isolation from political officials and institutions. Forbrig, Joerg. Revisiting Youth Pol...

Legal Analysis: Officer Smith and George Radley

a suspicion of criminal activity. In State v. Lanear, 805 S.W.2d 713, 716 (Mo. App. W.D. 1991), the court said, "The standard is w...

Internet: Society Help or Hindrance?

This 4 page argumentative essay explores the destabilizing effects of the Internet society and places it squarely within the polit...

Argumentative for Combining Methodologies: Leaders v. Managers

solid transformational leadership model in their leadership challenge. Their five point concept of modeling the way, inspiring a s...

Best Things in Life, No they are not free

does not require money in order for an individual to acquire it. In terms of the clich?, this indicates that the "best things in l...

Minimum Wage vs. Living Wage

2006, Miami city government began requiring that service contractors that hold contracts of over $100,000 per year must pay their ...

Families, Rather than Schools, Should Teach Values,

generation. Children should come to school with a family-engrained set of values that prepares them to interact civilly with their...

Oppositing to Medicating Children with ADD or ADHD

with ADHD/ADD has only a very limited effectiveness, and the side effects and risks associated with it are simply too great. The ...

Can Marijuana Rescue California’s Economy?

United States Department of Agriculture statistics (Stateman, 2009). Marijuana Policy Project California policy director Aaron Sm...

Private and Public Education

and democracy are inextricable is fine, but what should not be overlooked is that times have changed. Today, children receive a pu...


a day. But after awhile, the novelty of sending love through the mail wears off. Writing can become a chore. Its hard to think of ...

Arguementative Essay on Smallpox Inoculations

Category A biologic agent are those that are easily disseminated among a population, as these agents are typically contagious, whi...

Why Linux is Better Than Windows

additional cost of hundreds of dollars. Linux is an open source file, which means it is completely free for downloading on its we...