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Adult Punishment for Murderous Teens

"hoppers" and "superpredators" (Wagner, 2001). And during one week in California, youth committed heinous crimes including one 15-...

John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism Chapter 4

He and a group of utilitarians formed a small Utilitarian Society based on many of the writings of Bentham. His many works appeare...

Socratic Philosophy and Plato

is good (Frost 84). For Socrates, "a life which is always inquiring and trying to discover what is good is the best kind of life, ...

Bhagavad Gita Use by Mahatma Gandhi

political ends, one should do so through peace and peaceful activism, and not through violence. There were many other philosophica...

Race According to Charles R. Lawrence and John Stuart Mill

anti-discrimination legal issues and laws, equal rights protection, and the newer "discipline" of modern and critical race theory....

A Card Game and Dinner Party with Guests Locke, Sartre, Nietzsche, Descartes, Maimonides, and Averroes

with most of the guests as a large part of his life had been shaped by political factors. When he was...

The Development of Utilitarianism

action should be judged in terms of whether or not that act brings the "greatest good" to the "greatest number" (Frost, 1962, p. 9...

Occidentalism Article by Margalit and Burma and Global Hatred of Western Culture

2002, p.PG). The author explains that the things Occidentalists hate about the West are not just the ones that inspire hatred ; so...

Reviewing the Issues of Euthanasia

and nurses often object to actively participating in active euthanasia on the basis of their professional codes which explicitly p...

Analyzing the Letting Handicapped Babies Die Article

keep it alive" (Christian Answers to Moral Problems, 2002). Furthermore, in their article entitled "Letting Handicapped ...

Emergency Room and Making Ethical Decisions

the ability to learn nursings technical complexities and already have full command of ethical values to the point that the can act...

Analysis of Domestic and Global Terrorism

In eight pages this paper analyzes global and domestic terrorism from the perspective of the United States in a consideration of p...

Plato's Answer to the Question 'Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?:'

Republic, 2002). Therefore, according to this theory, knowledge of anything and understanding of anything comes from examination ...

Poverty and the Views of Plato

Indeed, one might readily surmise that Plato believed man was a product of how "own imperfect understanding of nature, of our igno...

Essence is Preceded by Existence

is characterized in a particular way; Sartre argues that "conflict is the original meaning of being-for- others." (Baron, 2002, PG...

Freedom, Liberty, and Justice According to Martin Luther King Jr., Cicero, and John Stuart Mill

what the concept of rights truly meant to the populace as a whole, with his general consensus reflecting the respect for and appre...

Cloning and the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant

manner in order to attain end-E" (Honderich, 1995, p. 436). For example, a person might resolve to pay a bill as soon as it is rec...

Philosophy and False Relativism

of veracity. This is because each segment of humanity is its own little universe and what is held to be truth in one section of th...

American Life Duality and the Tradition of John Locke

to living their lives at the mercy of their rulers. The vote for colonial democracy was a vote for the freedoms that are intrinsi...

Chinese Legalism and Confucianism

social order and how it was best managed. The founder of this school of though; Confucius, also known as Kong Zi or Master Kong, l...

Taoism, Confucianism, and Hinduism,

2002). It is the dominant religion in India and Nepal Dating back to prehistoric times, it is no surprise that Hinduism has had a...

God's Existence Arguments

speaker is Philo, a religious skeptic (Johnson 266). The discussion is chiefly between Philo and Cleanthes, with occasional remar...

Nursing and Ethical Values

who consistently place the needs of others above their own. The individuals who do this seemingly so naturally often can be diffi...

Meditations on First Philosophy and Systemic Doubt of Rene Descartes

highest truth and certainty I have learned either from the senses or through the senses" (Descartes 29). But he is quick to note ...

U.S., China, and Development of Industrialization

trade. Barbaric pursuits held no interest, and the Chinese certainly knew their medicine and culture were vastly superior. ...

Overview of Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant

worthy but they are not. This leads Kant to further defining what makes good will different from bad will: "A good will is good...

Philosophical Views on Individual Good v. Community Good

the needs of the people as paramount. To derive this point, and other theories related to government, Hobbes paid a great deal of ...

Christine Busalacchi and Euthanasia

that she was much more responsive and seemed to be improving. Still not fully conscious, at times she would be able to "communica...

John Dewey and Richard Rorty Philosophical Parallels

our understanding of language, democracy, the individual (self), within both the public and private spheres. Rorty notes, for exa...

Global Changes and Cultural Diversity

to treat everyone equally which may mean a policy of affirmative action. One has to recognize race, and then level the playing fie...