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Andrei Tarkovsky's Cinematic Poetry

This in-depth research paper puts forth the argument that the films of director Andrei Tarkovsky are best seen as cinematic poetry...

Roots of Avant Garde's Visual Arts

In eight pages the roots of avant garde regarding film are argued to be in the visual arts as opposed to the narrative cinematic t...

Raging Bull, Breathless, and Spectator's Construct of Femininity According to Narrative and Style

In nine pages these films by Martin Scorsese and Jean Luc Godard are examined in terms of how femininity is presented to the spect...

Stylistic and Formal Characteristics of Gus Van Sant's 'My Own Private Idaho'

Such cinematic techniques as mise-en-scene are discussed in a paper consisting of 6 pages as thematic and narrative expression are...

Narrative Structure in the Horror Classic, Halloween

This paper addresses the narrative structure of the 1978 horror classic, Halloween by director John Carpenter. The author discuss...

Narrative Evolution

In seven pages the evolution of narrative are examined in a consideration of Scarlet and Black, Tristram Shandy, Madame Bovary, He...

The Chosen Place, The Timeless People; Cane; and Heremakhonon

In four pages these novels by Marshal, Toomer, and Conde are contrasted and compared in terms of narrative and thematic styles. T...

Jean Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Elements of Autobiography

In a paper consisting of five pages Barbara Johnson's theory that autobiography involves a child's narrative as symbolically killi...

An Analysis of The Creature in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

draws from his experience. His first introduction to fire, for example, results in his knowledge that the same element that can p...

Voices of Black Authors in America

In fourteen pages the reasons why black authors of the 18th and 19th centuries had difficulty in discussing their experiences are ...

Willa Cather's My Antonia

whole adventure of their childhood in Nebraska. As a result, the reader immediately understands that the story is not to be one o...

Travel Narrative Developed in the Works of Mary Rowlandson and John Steinbeck

In five pages the development of the travel narrative, its various themes, and attitudes, are considered in a comparative analysis...

Her Land by Gilman

A paper which takes a personal perspective on Gilman's classic text. Gilman presents a Utopia populated entirely by women, in a na...

The theme of insanity in The Yellow Wallpaper

"I must put this away,--he hates to have me write a word." This shows how controlling John is over her as both husband and docto...

Feminist ideology in The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman

A paper which argues that although Gilman's narrative is primarily concerned with the oppression of women leading to mental deteri...

The concept of Nature as presented in Jane Eyre

too solemn: I half rose, and stretched my arm to draw the curtain. It...

Stylistic elements in Jane Eyre

This paper looks at the use of particular stylistic elements in Bronte's novel which underpin her use of character development and...

The character of St John as portrayed in Jane Eyre

This paper looks at the role of the mysterious St John in Bronte's Jane Eyre. The two characters are presented as having lives whi...

Narrative Voice in 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift and 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

In five pages the use of narrative voice by these authors in their respective works is contrasted and compared. There are no othe...

The 'Essay on Man' by Alexander Pope

In fifteen pages this narrative poem is analyzed in terms of its depiction of the eighteenth century man with each of the four sec...

Adolescent Suicide and Romeo and Juliet

This research paper analyzes Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and compares its narratives to instances of adolescent suicide and fam...

Hurt and 'Home Burial' by Robert Frost

In three pages this poetic narrative by Robert Frost is analyzed in terms of burial and tree planting motifs, other symbolism, the...

Fictional First Person Narrative of Lee Harvey Oswald

admired, right? OK, then, here goes. First off, you have to understand that my life sucked. I know thats not an excuse because the...

CourtTV and its Personal Life Impact

on her shoulder, as she has experienced personal loss and was a prosecutor, she never gives anyone the benefit of the doubt. She s...

The Film The Ten Commandments from a Personal Perspective

because I am religious and watching Moses and his interactions with God is quite enlightening and moving. Like Moses, I feel that ...

'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

narrator opens her journal entries with a brief description of her new location, i.e., that her family has rented "ancestral halls...

Reflections of an Era in 'Soldier's Home' by Ernest Hemingway

his mother. Prior to the war, Hemingway lets the reader know that Krebs was in tune with small town life. He attended a Methodist ...

Comparing the Gospels

as actively participating in his fate, rather than demonstrating passive acceptance. In the synoptic gospels, action is, for the m...

Theories of Carl Jung and Dream Interpretation

as I would get closer and closer to the foundation of my home, it was darker and sparser. I felt a sense of suffocation and loneli...

Life Effects of Power

way, my feelings of powerlessness were internal and had nothing at all to do with a true lack of social or political power. In ret...