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Essays 301 - 330


I remember when the iPad was first launched in 2010. Critics sneered that it was little more than an iPhone hopped up on steroids ...

Do Developing Countries benefit from Capital Generation in the Developed World?

the negative model looks at the way it is possible that FDI may distort a local economy. The positive economic development model i...

Brain Development

to each other (BrainWonders, 2001). The connections are best described as electrical impulses that move down the nerve cell and th...

Obligations of MNC’s in Developing Countries

that there is a clear and morally relevant dividing line between humankind and the rest of nature, that humankind is the only prin...

Determining a Priority for Potential IT Projects

example, the project drives more revenue for the organization may be assessed ion a scale of the amount it will drive compared to ...

The Problems of Tourism in Dubai

The tourism sector was developed as part of the diversification strategy in Dubai. The writer looks at how and why the plans have ...

Event Management - Using the 5 W Model

well as support long term tourism with increased positive exposure for the city from a major event (Preuss, 2004). Likewise, the a...

A Health and Nutrition Education Plan

their functioning around food, including monitoring their fat and sugar in-take and improving their diet as a whole. The whole fa...

Using Theory to Create a Business Outline

that which has the smallest absolute disadvantage. They should also import commodities where the absolute disadvantage is the grea...

Marketing and Partnership in Community Improvement - The Case of Birmingham

put into place it is necessary to understand the existing position as a baseline, this can be used to determine problem areas, as ...

Interclean Training and Mentoring Program

including a higher level of customer service provision, which sill include more communication skills and after sales service skill...

Development Progress Assessment and Plan

perceptive does not have a defined theory in the way that personality develops, instead it is looks to the more general perspectiv...

Learning to Educate Adult Students

This 19 page paper provides an overview of teaching adult age students. This paper includes strategies needed to assess the person...

IT System Contingency Planning Process

The paper presents a process which may be used for disaster recovery and contingency planning, focusing on IT assets and systems. ...

Establishing an APN Practice

This research paper pertains to a number of issues that impact APN practice. The writer addresses promoting APN practice to the pu...

Nursing Leadership Development

This research paper presents of an action plan for developing leadership skills. Eight pages in length, six sources are cited. ...

How to Develop Strategy

Porter’s five forces of competitive advantage and using them to develop strategy is as applicable today as it was when he wrote th...

Description of the 'Theme Park Guru'

The Theme Park Guru is a proposed new product, providing a theme park guide as a book or an app, with an accompanying service to ...

Analysis of Conference Hotel

This paper reports a specific case of a hotel that wants to increase their Thursday night corporate guests. Research revealed the ...

Product Expansion and Market Penetration for Coca-Cola

manufacture, distribution and also the marketing of non alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drink both finished drinks and als...

"Sustainability: Planning's Redemption Or Curse?" - Overview

Before the concept of sustainable development was widely accepted, mainstream development thinking was basically an attitude of us...

Patient Treatment Plan

She surveyed all of the independent living facilities in the local area and chose one; her grown children arranged and conducted t...

Employee Development in the U.S. Army

possible. Additionally, the right people also must be in the right positions so that they want to remain where they are, growing ...

Business Plan for the Speak Up! Program

costs. Introduction A seasoned middle school teacher commented that she had come to see the middle school years as "the fro...

The Case of the Solar Trash Compactor

already. The market is large, in 2000 there was a total of $1.2 billion spent on trash receptacles, and in 2001 $2.1 billion was s...

The Importance of Local Development Policies in Developing Countries

is the local policies that will aid development which needs to be self sustaining, however the local policies need to be supported...

Human Resource Management

and creativity to the company (Chan, 2007). Having a diverse workforce makes good business sense. Prince (2005) said that corpor...

Nursing Project - Learning Review

being examined from the physical perspective it was also necessary to look at the falls from a practical, social and a psychologic...

Culture Influences on Referencing and Plagiarism Values

is notable that at this time there was no moral or ethical requirement for accreditation to the originator. The underlying princip...

Considerations for a New Product

may also be a requirement. With a high quality unit the after sales service may also need to be considered, including the guarante...