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Essays 421 - 450

Preparation for Baptism and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church

like the sacraments, but ex opere operantis, through the faith and devotion of those using them" (Piggin, 2005). The Sacraments o...

Eurasia Civilizations and Differences

1993). China or eastern Asia is so large and the population so great that China is considered to be a civilization all of its own....

Ancient Rome and the Works of Vergil

by Homer, Vergil, by establishing Aeneas as a Trojan also justifies Romes invasion and conquest of Greece as retribution for the f...

Evaluating Ancient Civilizations

of the civilizations are important. In fact, one source claims that the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Egyptians were consi...

Roman Catholic Church Child Sex Scandal

is both a government (via the Vatican) and an organization, it is a church. The data are astounding. The John Jay College of Crimi...

Questions on the Roman Empire Answered

left with an important legacy and it seems that this provided an impetus for growth. Some say that he was "destined to dominate It...

Law Enforcement and New Technology

Justice notes that in 1999 seven of ten law enforcement officers were employed by offices utilizing in-field computers or terminal...

Rights of an Individual and Fetal Rights

into the controversy surrounding issues such as abortion, the use of fetal tissue in treating certain diseases, stem cell research...

Cultural Ideals and Plays of Chikamatsu

giri. Osan says, "I could see that you were drifting towards suicide. I felt so unhappy that I wrote a letter, begging her as one ...

Perspectives on Human Nature

the pagan world, sex was considered a divine gift and it carried none of the sense of sin and punishment that became associated wi...

3 Types of Roman Triumphal Arches

marble in opus quadratum" and the upper portions constructed from "opus latericium covered with marble slabs" (Seindal [1]). It ha...

Symbolism and Characteristics of the Pantheon and the Parthenon

bulk of the building, it also works with the inner dome to "add a sense of space and regeneration" (Brown, 2000). The whole vision...

Politics and the Arts

weighing over 2.5 tons, this structure covers over 13 acres and so carefully surveyed so accurately that it aligns perfectly with...

Abstract on Architecture and the Role of Virtual Reality

it impacts architectural development. In particular, this study relates the fact that virtual reality systems have changed the op...

Architecture and Use of Natural Light

below the point where they end. The placement of the walls invite the individual to look up, to take note of the space above him ...

Middle East Imperialism

non Egyptians, known as the Semitic Kings, named Hyksos, meaning princes of the foreign lands (Thornton, 2003). They had come down...

Roman Religion, Augury, and Divination

important ways (Geocities, 2003). Unlike divination, Augury meant to secure the approval of the gods, but this did not necessaril...

Overview of Protestantism

Bible (The Protestant Reformation, 2003). Essentially, the Luther debated Christianity and how it was practiced and unde...

Ancient Rome and Sports

also the most violent, podium walls had to be erected to protect the audience from possible injury (Futrell, 1997). Because these...

31 B.C.'s Battle of Actium

with the respected General Marcus Aemilu Lepidus (Chesser, 2003; Meadows, 1999). When Lepidus was forced to retire by Octavianus a...

Political and Government Systems of Ancient Rome

(Encarta). The logic of having two leaders or "co-consuls" was based on the idea that having two men in charge would keep either o...

Values and Objectives in Architecture

be ones objectives. Consider that the architect of the Taj Mahal was not Arabic, nor shared the same religious beliefs. In this re...

Clothing Materials and Their Usage in Construction and Architecture

texture vaguely reminiscent of cork. It is many times lighter than cement (which workers fully appreciate) and it offers both ther...

The Use of Space in Architecture

proof that the observations made by Morris in 1969 are still very pertinent to todays urban environments. In the complexity of the...

Western Civilization and the Roman Empire's Collapse

and was replaced by Claudius (41-54), the emperor whose forces conquered Britain. Nero followed him and when he was overthrown, Ro...

Roman Empire's Decline and Fall

the empire (The Reasons for the Fall of Rome, 2003). The cities became unsafe due to the vast crime and violence which overtook t...

Christian Worship and the Sacraments

By the 5th century, Christianity in the West was guarded by the bishop of Rome, the pope, who was the "final custodian of the doct...

Two Roman Sarcophagi, The Indian Triumph of Dionysus and The Return of the Body of Meleager to Kalydon

became a famous hunter."3 At one point, however, when he had killed a boar that had terrorized the people, he got into an argument...

Roman Republic's Collapse

conquered territory, when Pompey had returned he found he did not have the assistance of the Optimates and his requests were oppos...

1971 Film Production of Macbeth by Director Roman Polanski

air. Banquos reaction to Macbeth taking their pronouncements seriously is one of mocking disbelief, as if to say, "you believe tha...