YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Pro Gun Persuasive Speech

Essays 211 - 240

Protagonist Cyrano De Bergerac

In three pages this persuasive and personal essay examines the reasons why this protagonist qualifies as a hero. There is no bibl...

Second Amendment and Gun Control

A persuasive essay on this controversial topic is presented in 3 pages. The bibliography cites 3 sources....

Autonomy and Slavery

This essay begins by presenting the position of historian Ira Berlin that there was a modicum of autonomy within the institution o...

The Characteristics of a Great Leader

This paper discusses the important qualities that define great leaders. The persuasive ability of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Ro...


learning. The companies that succeed are those that promote from within, but to get employees to that stage where they can conside...

Why Odysseus Argued For Ajax

himself to the public, a duality of moral reasoning that influences his self-serving ways. Of the many reasons attributed to why ...

Alternative Education and Preventing High School Dropouts

greater dropout likelihood, including poor attendance, substandard academic performance, and lack of credits earned to graduate (A...

9/11 Attacks Were No Conspiracy

a significant lack of support and growing suspicion over the policies of President George W. Bush contributed to the belief that t...


a closer look at this. A little more than a decade ago, the American Enterprise Institute released a study pointing out that tax r...

Israel Lobby, Article Summation

as well as many politicians, who regard the creation of the Israeli state as the "fulfillment of biblical prophecy" (Mearsheimer a...

A Wall is Not the Answer to Illegal Immigration

Lou Dobbs comments on a regular basis concerning the "army of invaders" who cross "our countrys broken borders," angry viewers res...


The idea behind social influence is that the opinions and enthusiasm of others can encourage, persuade and sometimes force an indi...

Knowing the Signs of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity

regards to the obesity epidemic in America. It seems that over the last few decades, the numbers has risen more dramatically than ...

Censorship of Pornography and Violence

they begin to see that as normal and it promotes many ideals that are not good for the morality of any individual. They put sex in...

Understanding the World Through Art:

a media fixation after she assists her boyfriend accused of robbery to escape the police. Her family and friends face a similar b...

Iraq: The Wrong War

to any connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. If terrorism was Bushs war objective, al-Qaida and not Saddam should have ...

Euthanasia: A Good Death

of the United States has upheld the Christian notion that taking a life under any circumstances is wrong and therefore illegal. I...

Pitching a Consultancy Firm

which understands the company and its products. Many areas within a company have the potential to benefit from external knowledge...

Toulmin Analysis of an Ad

having a "remarkable concentration of antioxidants including twice as many antioxidants as blueberries..." ("Quick-Loss AcaiBurn"...

Kristin Ross/May '68 and Its Afterlives

down the entire country. Nine million people, "across all sectors of public and private employment-from department store clerks to...

Why an Employer Should Create a Tuition Reimbursement Program

be grateful to their employer for the benefit and also, might want to stay at least until they complete their schooling. Of course...

Aristotle/De Anima

possibly think?" (I.3). As this indicates, Aristotles perspective is grounded in observation and reality. He sees the mind as intr...

The Importance of Blood Donation

blood and distribution through the nation ("Why donate blood," 2007). While the Red Cross does a good job, there are parts of the ...

Why People Should Join the Military

without health insurance coverage and those who do have health insurance "pay increasingly higher prices" to retain coverage (Fior...

The Persuasiveness of Socrates in Plato's Apology

so that his assets could be pro-created and he could be put to death. Will Socrates did refuse the request, he simply went home ra...

The Anti-Gun Campaign in the UK

into a specific behaviour pattern. During elections may be are biased views of the electorate to favour the government, however wi...

Gun Control and Virginia Tech

should always be legal because of the Constitution of the United States. On the other side of the coin are those who want all guns...

Fist Stick Knife Gun by Geoffrey Canada

lived there for some small portion of that early part of my life but he was not a strong presence in our family....He left us" (3)...

Stricter Gun Control Leaves People Vulnerable

that the average citizen is allowed to own a gun they are wary of breaking into peoples homes, or wary of committing crime in some...

Both Sides of the Gun Control Issue

subject to "two competing philosophies" (Gorman and Kopel). In countries like the U.S. and other democracies that derive their pow...