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College Math 'Survival'

with students, days with one solitary teacher standing well off in the distance addressing the class over a microphone and detaili...

Research Proposal on Ethnic Animosity

hate crimes as do whites (Lacey, 2003). When America was attacked by fanatic Muslims on September 11, 2001, one fear was an incre...

College Students and Spirituality

that allows them to deal with the complexities and uncertainty of life (Mulqueen and Elias, 2000). The last stage in the developme...

2000 U.S. Presidential Election and the Electoral College

are serious questions in a very serious political situation - we are talking about the President of the United States, still refer...

Process of Electing Presidents in America

As this indicates, the only legal requirement for the presidential election is the provision in the Constitution that spells out t...

Ohio's Oberlin College and Its History

one of Americas most influential ministers. One year prior to 1833, when its doors opened, Shipherd found it in his heart to found...

Collegiate Environment, Faculty Recognition, and Morale

resources would be directed toward improvement and progress. However, it must be said that with this particular idea, there are ...

Educational Human Resources and Diversity Management

part-time students and 40 percent are over the age of 24, with 80 percent commuting to campus (Mellow, Van Slyck and Eynon, 2003)....

Fictitious Atlantic Ocean University and its Legal Situations

rail employees, but it did lay the ground for the later-passed Taft-Hartley Act, which well discuss later. The Norris-LaG...

College Student Reinstatement Plea

large rocks in a jar, and then added smaller ones in the larger spaces around them. Though it could be said that the jar was full...

Student Achievement in Empire State College

they are truly a college that cares about what people want to do with their lives because many of the students come to the college...

College Campuses and Homosexuality

are given the opportunity to buy condoms at greatly reduced prices. Even so, "Only 48% of heterosexuals and 36% of gays claim to ...

Alcohol Advertisements and College Student Binge Drinking

missing classes, falling behind and ultimately losing whatever funding may have accompanied ones higher education is but one repre...

5 Primary Reasons to Choose a College

schools like Harvard or Yale. Students must consider comparisons of any college within the collective of similar schools. Studen...

Speech Codes on Campus

Court cases have revolved around the notion of First Amendment rights pertaining to content and place, with the high court often r...

College Students and Anorexia

readily been recognized that early detection and treatment of these disorders is the best way to end the chronic and often debilit...

Psychology College Student Language Observations

interact and evolve. Such students take little convincing to become ready informants in our current quest to understand language ...

Spending Habits of 2 Female Northern Kentucky University Students

counselors across the country is that we are not taught money management or even how to weigh decision-making between options avai...

Americans with Disabilities Act Title III, 42 USC 12182 Provisions

of disability" (Shipley, 2002; p. 327). In 1975, "the Education for All [*328] Handicapped Children Act was passed by Con...

Liberal Arts Degree and Personal Development

competitive? One has to think that those obtaining a liberal arts degree are not confined by the limitations of a box with a tit...

Sociological Perspective on College Drinking

Adolescents and young adults who choose to imbibe do so without considering the detrimental effects of such heavy consumption, ren...

Psychology Students and College Campus Linguistic Subcultures

my guide in understanding how he and his fellow students actually comprise a subculture in their use of such jargon. I, of course...

A Student's Year in the Life

classes. As a freshman this is quite an adjustment(Trockel 2000). However, one must state that the stresses only continue to mou...

College Campuses and Smoking

reported that the teachers are considering their position and may file an un-fair labor practices claim as a result of this smokin...

Going Back to College, its Benefits and Challenges

What Will It Take? An adult returning to college is certain to have a very different set of circumstances to deal with than thos...

College Education Benefits

off the job as well (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). The DOE also points out that a college education provides a grea...

Occupational Choices in the Field of Psychology

one will find that many fields are rife with opportunities for psychology majors. Many firms in fact hire anyone with a B.S. or B....

Contemporary College Campuses and Multiculturalism

values, there were also sectional differences and the differences would translate into ethnic and racial tensions which persist, t...

Single Mother's Economic Struggles

my divorce are better understood in relation the traditional concept of a nuclear family. The term "nuclear family" brings to min...

College Faculty Lack of Minority Representation

is necessary to relate specific variables that can impact group process and social perspective. This study incorporates a view of...