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Paint and Art

one author that Hubert is "Credited with inventing oil painting" and "was so idolizes for his discovery that his right arm was pre...

The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart

"a perfect bell, with a perfect pitch" calling worshipers to mass (11). On arriving in Canada, Father Gstir simply changes the loc...

Painter Lee Krasner

works than the colossal The Eye is the First Circle (about 93" x 191" or about eight by sixteen feet), for example. Here her art...

2 Meanings of Humanities

In three pages this essay considers the general and liberal arts meanings of the humanities concept....

Art History Questions

content, concept and style of art used during another chosen time in history. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was one of the...

Modernism, Feminism, and Art Essays

Nine essays totalling seventy five pages provide an integration of perspectives regarding socialization, art and art history on fe...

Impressionism/Music & Art

not explicitly intended to depict any concrete object or situation, but rather seeks to create a "mood or atmosphere," which elici...

History of Chinese Art

is suspected that zhuan script came into existence due to the oracles significantly irregular patterns and overabundance of charac...

Questions on Art History

narratives can take on many themes for many different reasons. Perhaps there is a very exciting artwork around which one wants to...

Chrysler LLC - An Analysis

wheelbases, power steering, air bags, the first minivans, the first SUVs, the first muscle cars and so much more (Chrysler, About ...

A Review of The American Privateers by Donald Chidsey

or her to make allowances for the various aspects of the book that seem somewhat sensationalized or overblown. It will also serve ...

Rise of Modern Art

(Modern Art Movements, 2008). Impressionist painters, such as Manet, Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, preferred to paint outside, w...

Ovid's Metamorphoses/Concept of Art, Poet

her sisters husband and how he had cut out her tongue to keep silent and a prisoner (Ovid BkVI:571-619). Those characters who as...

Barbara Novak/American 19th Century Art

"Death on the Pale Horse (1802), oil sketch on canvas, Allstons analysis relates something of his own romantic vision. He writes t...

Feminism, The Female Form, and Postmodern Art

This paper addresses the ways in which the female body has been adorned and admired throughout the history of art. The author com...

Fountain of 1917 by Marcel Duchamp

In seven pages this infamous work of art is examined in terms of its impact and how it forever changed the history of art. Eight ...

Viaduct at L'Estague by Georges Braque

This essay discusses "Viaduct at L'Estague" by Georges Braque, which founded Cubism. The writer analyzes the painting within the c...

Small Liberal Arts Colleges and Regional Affirmative Action

In fifty pages this paper discusses the university setting in a consideration of Affirmative Action with the program's history as ...

Female Canon Defined

obvious that Beauvoir had developed a distinctly feminist philosophy and outlook on history, which startled the reading audience i...

The History of Andrea Fraser's Art and Occupy Wall Street

This 6 page paper gives an overview of the history of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the art work of Andrea Fraser. This pape...

Society and American Pop Art

In five pages this paper examines pop art as featured at New York City's Whitney Museum of American Art in terms of history and th...

Past History of NEA

different media contributed to the "culture wars", photography--perhaps because of its relationship to reality--played a pivotal r...

Kinetic Art and Real Movement

only one right way to do something. As artists we are only limited by our imaginations. The same is true for from one "ism" or p...

Modification of the Body

In a paper consisting of 20 pages body modification is examined in terms of psychology and history with elective amputation, scari...

Cimabue and Duccio or 'Madonna Enthroned' Times Two

in society Introduction One way that art history has been studied is to trace the development of the realistic portrayal of the h...

Views of Art Critic T.J. Clark

Currently, he is a Chancellors Professor of Modern Art at the University of California at Berkley.8 Born in Bristol in the United ...

The Culture, History and Artistry of Black America

vision, no true identity, and certainly does not connect with his African American culture. His mother, however, changes some o...

Art from Classical,, Romanesque, Gothic, and Early Renaissance Periods

As Adams indicates, the archaic smile is now gone and stylization has decreased. Another marked change involved the materials used...

Art of China Featured at LACMA

their writing was essential pictorial, but did allow for the expression of abstract ideas. Warfare with neighboring areas was a w...

Art of Slavery

Their purpose was to have Parliament abolish slave trade, rather than declare slavery to be illegal. As an incremental play, this ...