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Colonialism's Effect on Anthropology

"Day after day, minute to minute, Tutsi by Tutsi: all across Rwanda, they worked" (Gourevitch, 1998; p. 18), the sole purpose of t...

Questions on Readings

long for Nandas friend to marry her son. Nandas article points out mating customs and attitudes are culturally based. While Nanda...

Disruption and Children Underground: Film Reviews

This 4 page paper gives a review of the films Disruption and Children Underground. This paper includes both the cultural language ...

Does the Fifth Amendment Protect Documents

There are three issues discussed in this essay. The first explains a scenario of a fraud examiner interviewing a person and all th...

Music as Symbolic Behavior/Alan P. Merriam

"symbols," and their relationship to art and its abstract nature. Having established a basis for discussing symbolism, specific ...

Evaluating the American Dreams Website

the details of the "American Dream," and what this term has come to mean in our culture. This page asks "What is the American Drea...

Anthropological Perspectives on Marriage

a shift in thinking. I suspect that when someone (in the West at any rate) hears the word "marriage" they automatically see it as...

7 Anthropology Questions

the last stage, however, the individual fully incorporates into their new role in life. They take on the symbols and responsibili...

Anthropological Genre of Ethnology

four seasons in which there is a planting, harvesting and barren time. MANDALAS AND GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT THE HUMAN CONDITION ...

Anthropology and Social Justice

into embarrassing intellectual difficulties. It becomes, most often, a term of art whose operational meaning is, We need a law aga...

Nonscientific Inquiry and Interpretive Anthropology

you prefer, raised) to the level of sheer appearances, where their meaning can be more powerfully articulated and more exactly per...

Three Anthropology Texts Compared and Contrasted

This research report examines three studies in anthropology. The differences between ideas are highlighted. This four page paper h...

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Consideration of Whether or Not Cultural Anthropology is a Science

to an invalid who is totally dependent on her parents for her care. The tragedy here, as is true in many respects in the cross-cu...

Three Anthropology Questions

(McGee et al, 2004). Characteristic of humanitys constant quest for the concept of meaning, the journey of understanding ha...

Comparison of the Fieldwork Methodologies of Bronislaw Malinowski and Purnima Mankekar

the development of the functionalist approach in social sciences. When developing his methodology he considered the flaws of the...


(Delaney, 2003). He originally sought to call his newly emerging field "social physics", a term that clearly reflected his belief...

Anthropology and Nursing

There are numerous nursing scholars who utilizing ethnographic techniques in their research; university courses that address both ...

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Dick Van der Elst and Paul Bohannon's introduction to cultural anthropology is analyzed and critiqued in a paper consisting of fiv...

Ruth Benedict's Anthropological Contributions

School for Social Research, and was influenced by Elsie Clews Parsons and Alexander Goldenweiser who sent her to study anthropolog...

An Overview of Forensic Anthropology

This paper discusses the field of forensic anthropology. The author addresses occupational requirements, investigations, cooperat...

Homosexual Observations and Social Anthropology

In three pages this paper discusses social anthropology from a homosexual context in a consideration of the New York Greenwich Vil...

Art, Religion, and Cultural Anthropology

In seven pages this paper considers how cultural anthropology is influenced by religion and art with the argument presented that e...

Native Tribes of South America

on the average, 2.5 times as many wives and three times as many children as those who have not. (Chagnoy, 1993). "These num...

Chinese American Communities and Cultural Anthropology

In nine pages this paper examines U.S. Chinese American communities and their traditions in this discussion of cultural anthropolo...

Cultural Anthropology Study of Japanese Americans and Their American History Influence

In nine pages cultural anthropology is applied to the culture of the Japanese Americans in hopes of understanding their U.S. histo...

Reshaping Gender Thought

In seven pages this paper examines the reshaping of gender thought through feminist anthropology in an overview of theories by bel...

2 Perspectives on Hinduism

In six pages An Introduction to Hinduism by Gavin Flood and Hinduism The Anthropology of a Civilization by Madeleine Biardeau are...

High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy Women, Work, and Pink-Collar Identities in the Caribbean by Freeman Reviewed

variation of levels of acceptance of the book reflect its difficult subject matter. The Setting There have been volumes bot...

Hinduism and the Anthropological Method

it means "partiality of cultural and historical truths" (1986) because the whole truth cannot be known in anthropological studies ...

Topics on Music

In four term papers of three pages each musical topics such as music and brain function; anthropology and music; memory, learning ...