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Labor Market Discrimination and Economic Analysis

In three pages 1992 Nobel Prize winner Gary Becker's economic analysis approach to labor market discrimination is examined in term...

Discrimination in Marketing

This 3 page paper discusses discrimination in marketing, and the claim that market segmentation has gone too far. The writer argue...

John Ivacevich and William Glueck's Edited Text Human Resource Mangement Foundations of Personnel

one unnamed executive recently put it, perhaps the always-popular Dilbert, its time to leave the "Lemming School of Management." A...

Foreigners' Workplace Discrimination

In ten pages the U.S. is the primary focus of this discussion of foreign employee discrimination in the workplace. Ten sources ar...

Gay Athlete Interview

In two pages a sample interview with a gay female athlete is presented in a consideration of such issues as stress, discrimination...

Reverse Discrimination and Civil Rights

In eight pages various civil rights policies such as preferential treatment, the Civil Rights Act, and Affirmative Action are cons...

Settlement, Secrecy, and Smith Barney

this settlement was not acceptable to Martens and some of her colleagues. There is little doubt that there has been a change in th...

Discrimination in the Workplace Research Proposal

In eight pages this paper presents a research proposal to study the workplace and the incidences of racial prejudice and discrimin...

Questions Concerning Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination

This 6 page paper gives an answer to ten questions about race, ethnicity, and discrimination. This paper includes answers based on...

Racism and WASPs

towards WASPS as they are the ones who are perceived to hold "the power." II. The Black/White Difference: An Ever-Widening Chasm ...

1978's Pregnancy Discrimination Act

the duties as anyone else; to turn a woman down based upon her current maternity condition is to go against the very grain of the ...

Job Loss Due to RIF

these benefits. As your claim is that there was discrimination based on Marys age, being over 55 you will also be aware that the...

Student Submitted Questions on Law

that the employer is hiring or promoting less than the expected number of minority groups then the burden will shift to the employ...

Criminal Justice System and Discrimination

fact, that although blacks represent only thirteen percent of our national population they represent some thirty percent of those ...

Workplace Effects of Title VII

playful" by groping the private parts of women, are no longer able to get away with such behavior. Yet, the society has gone furth...

Examination of an Employee Complaint

John knew he was more than qualified for the job and so did his boss. What was too painfully clear was the fact that John was an ...

Case Study Analysis of Earnings and Gender Discrimination

reason for the huge disparity in earnings between men and women. One reason behind this assumption is that women tend to take the ...

Practices of Discrimination

and it just so happens that more black than white young criminals are shot in police actions. It is often the case that the office...

Federal and State Employment Laws

or her own economic good. While there can be no doubt that "the stakes in whistleblowing are high" (Bok, 1988, p. 331), the psych...

Canadian Education Literature Review

decades. The greater diversity in our schools has resulted in new curriculum and instructional methodologies. Weatherspoon hints a...

A Discrimination Experience

be prejudiced against all men for one reason or another. Prejudice often involves stereotypes, but it more often than not involves...

Discrimination and the Case of Texaco

N word by executives -- an incident that made the news at the time--is not as significant as the revelation that the company did n...

Religious Prejudice and Ethics

perhaps for good reasons but with disastrous results over the long term. Community over self is more obvious and calls to m...

Analysis of 3 Legal Issues

adverse to removing them from the law abiding citizen, who often needs a gun to protect himself from the very criminal element of ...

Women and Workplace Discrimination

gender as just one of womens many identities (2002). Many young women do not want to be labeled feminists (2002). Although the int...

Native Americans and Africans Compared

members of particular racial and ethnic groups which are often compared in relation to the majority or dominant group within the p...

Social Fairness and 'Positive Discrimination'

be undertaken consciously. Many of the disadvantages are faced then become due to social constructs and the way that capital cultu...

Education's Digital Divide, Does It Exist?

wide availability of information that the other student does not have. Whose report is likely to contain more concise information,...

Recruitment and Ethics

be seen as the framework from which the principle of our conduct is governed or judged and the way in which we see our duty and th...

Democracy Threatened by Internet Voting

to push one button but their finger made its way to another, or perhaps the computer will crash in the middle of a vote five minut...