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Frederick Douglass, Successful Despite Slavery

been a slave and not due to his celebrity status among abolitionists for having endured slavery. In order to fully appreciate th...

Arlie Russell Hochschild's When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work

such a manner that the employees like being at work far more than they like being at home. In addition, they feel respected and ad...

Life and Times of Vlad Tepes, the Original Dracula

out of the hands of Vlad the III. (Vlad 1996) Vlad III eventually did manage to regain the thrown of Walachia by conspiring with...

Process of Becoming An Auxiliary Police Officer

In an essay consisting of twelve pages the process involved in becoming a New York City Police Department auxiliary police officer...

Second World War Participation of Japan

In seven pages this paper examines why Japan became embroiled in the Second World War conflict and its failed effort....

Personal Narrative: Becoming a Nurse

we had a helper who came in during the day and a nurse at night. Both of them were kind, experienced and very caring, and I could ...

The Benefits of Being Less Judgmental

make solid points concerning all people such as indicating how easy, when watching television or the news, it is to "inwardly" ju...

Writing Exercise: Autobiography

like an angel because she was so caring and helpful, and I couldnt get her, or nursing, out of my mind. I soon realized that nursi...

What I Would Do With My Life if I Became a Quadriplegic

would be able to run marathons, even if it is in my wheelchair. I am starting this essay with physical tasks because people tend ...

Homeland Security, INS and Epidemiology

problems, but refugees are perhaps most at risk, since many of them "come from areas where disease control, diagnosis and treatmen...

Greensboro Sit-Ins

turned into many as the protest continued for almost 6 months.5 In addition, it sparked many other protests throughout the South a...

Antitrust Issues and Internet Explorer of Microsoft

In five pages this paper examines the Department of Justice's antitrust case against Microsoft and issues regarding the Internet E...

Judaism in the Works of Franz Kafka

In five pages the ways in which Judaism ins represented in Franz Kafka's works are examined with an emphasis upon his story 'Metam...

Organized Crime Syndicates and Commercial Burglaries

but commercial burglaries are up (Star Tribune 02B). For many reasons, burglars find commercial establishments a better target th...

Anne Moody's 'Coming of Age in Mississippi'

This is a 5 page book review in which the author relates her own upbringing which is in sharp contrast to most members of American...

Life of Jimmy Carter Before He Became President

had a naval career where he lived in many places around the nation as well as many places around the world. While in the Navy he r...

Civil Rights Movement and Civil Disobedience

being obedient. As the key Civil Rights moments mentioned above illustrate, civil disobedience is characterized by an abs...

Adult Learning Theories, An Article Summary/Chen

This article summary describes a study, Chen (2014), which pertains to nontraditional adult students and the application of adult ...

The Principal & Transformational Leadership

another factor that Hornett attributes to a lack of leadership. If the principal had "modeled and encouraged helping among staff, ...

Relationship Teacher Preparation And Teacher Quality

(Education Encyclopedia, 2007). Training especially for teachers was initiated by St. John Baptist de la Salle in France in 1685 ...

NCLB and High Qualified Teachers

applied, duplicated and scaled-up for wider use" (Chapman, 2007, p. 25). As this indicates, a basic premise of the NCLB is that th...

Children: To Spank Or Not To Spank

The main contention resides with the fine line that separates harmless yet effective swats with an open palm and heavy-handed stri...

The Ambition of Lady Macbeth

ignore Lady Macbeths continual rants and her role in all of it. Just as the man who is "henpecked" claims that his wife drives him...

Model A’s, Model T’s, and the Changing Face of America

few weeks later, the company sold its first automobile, to a doctor in Detroit (Davis). As noted above, the company produced 1,700...

Practical Life Activities in the Montessori System

1912). But if the student is truly interested in a subject rather than being forced to study it because its in the curriculum, he ...

Practical Life Exercises in the Montessori System

and listen quietly (Montessori, M., 1912). Her argument was that this artificial arrangement was difficult for everyone, and tha...

Downfall of William Shakespeare's Tragic Hero Macbeth

with a trio of witch siblings (described in the text as the weird sisters), who issue this prediction to the Thane: THIRD WITCH. A...

Dangerous Minds Movie and Gender

well into adulthood. However, Lorber points out, "Individual actions construct social institutions and therefore... changes in in...

The Potential benefit Of M&A's in Supporting Nigerian Economic Growth

During the early 20th century merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the United States provided one of the tools for economic gr...

Personal Nursing Ambition

This paper presents a hypothetical example of how a student might wish to express her nursing ambition. The principal focuses of t...