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Exercise and Adverse Side Effects

often resort to phenomenal, and sometimes dangerous, efforts to increase their athletic ability and physical prowess. Steroids ar...

Excerpt from Euthyphro by Plato

impious act. Euthyphro replies to Socrates claiming "I am amused, Socrates, at your making a distinction between one who is a re...

Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx on Social Change

Alienation may be described as a condition in which men are dominated by forces of their own creation, which confront them as alie...

Abuse in Foster Care

may believe this to be a hoax and something that does not occur very often, the truth is that this happens quite often, and the tr...

Language and Communication Problems Associated with Learning Disabilities (ADD/ADHD) in the School Age Child

maintain that these individuals experience "deficits in behavioral, emotional, academic, and social functioning" that follow them ...

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

William Shephard described his horror at witnessing this. "Thud-dead; thud-dead;...sixty-two thud-deads" (Leap for life). Shephard...

Ann Jones/ "Women Who Kill"

be viewed within its historical context in order to be fully understood. For example, rather than viewing the Salem Witch Trials a...

Obesity in the United States

balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person" (MedlinePlus, 2008). Frighteningly enough, CNN (2007) claims...

Interview/Living through World War II

out. You didnt know what the future might bring, or if they would survive. "Did you get married during the war?" I asked. "No, ...

Periodontal Disease

with daily brushing and flossing, and regular cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist" (Periodontal disease, 2007). One exceptio...

African American: History and the Present

is the Present and Future Condition of the Negroes, from the book Democracy in America (1835) by Alexis de Tocqueville. In this he...

The Diagnosis of "Ben," Part II

symptoms, which can include diminished or altered sense of smell (Symptoms of a brain injury, 2008). This type of injury also rel...

The Diagnosis of "Ben"

This 3 page paper provides an overview of a case of "Ben" a man who displays a number of different symptoms. This paper relates s...

Family: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

person she is and as such she is certainly not perfect. But, there is a part of her that, like everyone, needs to believe that she...


The condition is caused by an increase in the "plasma potassium concentration," which in turn cases an increase in the "extracellu...

Impact Of Intervention Techniques Used In Preventing Workplace Injuries And Illnesses

and disregard on the part of the employer. That Luther feared the same fatal outcome as Joe suffered is reason enough to understa...

Trend Micro and Barracuda

notion fo intellectual property then moves on to present a very brief look at the issues between Trend Micro and Barracuda: "[H]er...

Food Addictions, Symptoms and Treatments

took her two children, a toddler and an infant, out in 20 degree cold to get Snickers bars (Eller, 2006). Littleton claims she was...

Reclaiming Hetch Hetchy Valley

a scattershot approach to the issue, lets concentrate on only two: first, that there are other, better ways for San Francisco to g...

Hemolytic Disease In Newborn Infants

(Kasprisin et al, 1987; Strauss et al, 2004). It is also possible that during a normal pregnancy there will be a spontaneous trans...

Waiting for War: Europe in 1939

but it soon became apparent to any objective observer that the Versailles Treaty was bound to cause problems. While it may be diff...

Language Acquisition Principles: Immersion

the article Dual Language Immersion by Jennifer Esposito, published in April 2006 by the periodical District Administrator. Langu...


as informal processes when it comes to decision-making. The student can take this however he or she wants, but this type of inform...

A Review of Time on the Cross

is true despite the fact that it is somewhat well known that economics were important in the context of this issue. Of course, the...

Proposal for Increasing Nurses' Salaries

numbers of young students came to believe that perhaps nursing would provide an outlet for caring natures as well as support a fam...

Improving Management at Shannondale

economic positions (McGinn and Murr, 2006). All of this development in the past several years has led to a restatement of Shannon...

Mental Health and Dementia

there is a legal definition laid down by the Mental Health Act 1983 which states that a mental disorder is ""means mental illness,...

The Importance of Prison Reform

Indeed, the law is not perfect, which is why the average citizen should care about the prison system. Even if they do not break th...

Fame, Success, and Failure

seen as trustworthy. It is also noted that just being from a particular city could prove powerful in terms of holding on to fame...

The Pullman Strike of 1894

an average pay cut of twenty-five percent" (Rohde). At the same time Mr. Pullman was doing nothing to help his workers in relation...