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Symbolism in 'A Wizard of Earthsea'

idea of Equilibrium and warned not to do anything until he knows what the effect of his action will be: "... you must not change ...

Snake Symbolism in 'Sweat' by Zora Neale Hurston

her we see this as representative of the Devil, but the Devil will, as Delia suggested, is going to make sure Sykes got what was c...

'I Want to Know Why' by Sherwood Anderson and Symbolism

are pure creatures and seeing them run or even trot, or perhaps even exist, makes this young man incredibly happy and content. The...

Examples of Symbolism in the Epic 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'

In three pages this paper examines how symbolism is represented in this epic tale. There are no sources listed....

Christian Symbolism in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

because he sounds wonderful. The three children find Aslan while Edmund goes to the witch and tells her that Aslan is going to s...

Symbolism and Location in Works by Ernest Hemingway

closer to home, meaning that the consequences of the war are more far-reaching than they are to Nick, his counterpart. "In Another...

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Symbolism

of Blue Mountains finest male suitors. She makes frequent mention of Blue Mountain and Blue Roses, and one can assume this symbol...

Symbolism in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'

he is clearly the stable rational order, but by himself he is nothing in the face of the nature of mankind. The Lord of the Fli...

Analysis of Symbolism in 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

reside," with the house representative or symbolic of the society as a whole (Goloversic). If we picture the house as society we ...

Symbolism and Themes in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Stories

an intriguing plot concerning a ministers request to never remove the curious black veil he wears. When he dies, should the congre...

Poe and Faulkner: Comparing Symbolism

the circumstances surrounding their creation and the manifest events of the plot differ quite dramatically. For instance, one migh...

The Scarlet Letter Symbolism

Introduction The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story filled with many images and many forms of symbolism. It is a ri...

Fire Symbolism in Barn Burning

had been older, he would have wondered why his father, would have witnessed the "waste and extravagance of war" and who "burned ev...

Edgar Allan Poe's "Ligeia" and William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" Uses of Gothic Symbolism

- into a "setting conducive to unrest and fears" (Fisher 75). The narrator reveals that his grief over his wife Ligeias death pro...

The Symbolism of the Veil in Muslim Culture

Although various cultures and religions have practiced veiling at various points in history, the contemporary practice of veiling ...

The Lottery and Its Symbolism

the most frightening short stories ever written. Jackson begins with a description of a gorgeous summer day and subtly weaves a we...

"Hamlet" - Symbolism and the Theme of Justice

poor state of the realm, it is suggested that some deep essential cause rather than mere circumstance is to blame for the decay of...


from founder Bob Wolff, Winning Ways employees are part of an organizational culture that thrives on verbal cues. The Winning Ways...

Themes and Symbolism in 'The Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin

In five pages this short story is analyzed in terms of perspective, setting, tone, style, and symbolism. Seven sources are cited ...

Water Natural Symbolism in The Seaside Houses and Goodbye, My Brother by John Cheever

In seven pages the power of the water symbolism employed by John Cheever in these two literary works is analyzed. There are no ot...

Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea and Symbolism

world of the innermost self (Burgess and See Also Lynn). This essay examines one of this writers most critically acclaimed books...

Uses of Symbolism in 'Livvie,' 'A Worn Path, and 'Young Goodman Brown'

This trio of narratives and their uses of symbolism are analyzed in 5 pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Minister's Black Veil' and Symbolism

was a message for his people, and for the reader as well. What did the black veil symbolize? The story ends as follows: " The gras...

Literary Functioning of Symbolism and Setting

In six pages this paper examines how intent and meaning are enhanced by literary symbolism and settings in Eudora Welty's short st...

Symbolism and Theme in Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native

supreme being. This attribution was fatalistic in that it meant that there was little hope for mankind overall, however. Man was...

Native Son by Richard Wright and Symbolism

a book. In many ways the symbolism may be seen as separate from the story, yet when it is added to the context in which it is read...

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Symbolism

In five pages this paper discusses the psychological symbolism that is so much a part of this social drama by Arthur Miler. There...

Sport of the Gods by Paul Dunbar and Symbolism

In five pages this Harlem Renaissance period text is analyzed in terms of symbolism particularly in the title. There are no other...

Symbolism in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam War Novel The Things They Carried

his or her own emotional baggage. Some of that baggage inevitably includes fear, guilt, homesickness, anger, and that struggle bet...

Cinema and Gun Symbolism

take a life in just moments. A student writing on this subject may want to consider the gun as an appendage of the bodies of Travi...