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Animal Testing: An Argumentative Essay

The pros and cons of animal testing are assessed, with personal conclusions also provided in four pages. Six sources are cited in...

Altruism and Burnout and Pay It Forward Philosophy

This paper provides an example essay that students can use as a guide to crafting personal essay describing personal experience w...

Andrews University Admissions Essay

This example essay provides a student with a hypothetical example of how to craft his personal essay for admissions to the Master'...

Essay Summaries

This essay summarizes several essays in the Longwood Reader. The paper provides the major points and support as well as the reader...

Analysis Review Article on Religion and Secularism

This essay reviews an essay by Asad about the nation-state, religion, and secularism. There is one source listed in the bibliograp...

Compare Two Leadership Styles

This essay explains what servant leadership is and the core elements of this style. A brief comparison with life-cycle theory is p...

Exegetical Essay

This essay focuses on 1 Corinthians 3:18-21 and Jeremiah 25:5-6. The verses from Jeremiah are forecasting Christ as the Messiah. T...

Essays on the Bible

In seven pages this essay examines several Old and New Testament books and includes the four gospels, and books on Ecclesiastes, D...

"Human Freedom and the Self" by Roderick Chisholm: An Argumentative Essay

Professor Chisholm's argument and counterargument are presented in a paper of 6 pages that ultimately supports the philosopher's c...

Jesus Second Person in Holy Trinity

If we show that Jesus Christ is the Second Person in the Holy Trinity, we also demonstrate that Jesus is the Son of God, which is ...

Research Psychology

This essay discusses issues related to research in psychology, including why the research sub-discipline is important. The essay e...

Colorado's Largest Rehab Services Agency

This essay discusses Colorado's leading nonprofit provider of rehab services. This agency serves more than 15,000 unique clients e...

Chambers Branson Welch

This essay discusses these three CEO and their leadership styles. The essay begins with a description of four leadership theories,...

Health Information Technology

This essay discusses the health information technology economic and clinical health act, which addresses using technology in healt...

Largest Home Improvement Store

This essay offers a competitive analysis of the largest home improvement store in the world and the second largest in the U.S. Hom...

Nursing Admission Essay

In a paper of three pages, the author writes an admission essay for a nursing program. Bibliography lists no sources....

Undergraduate Essay for Admissions

In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on experiences that led to the development of a multicultural point of view. This ...

An Essay on Chocolate

In a paper of five pages, the author reflects on the topic of chocolate and different perspectives on the substance. The author u...

Lincoln's Addresses, An Analysis

This essay pertains to Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses and the Gettysburg Address and what these three speeches tel...

Effects of World War I

This essay discusses how the Fist World War changed different things like society of the winners and losers. The essay comments on...

Personal Essay Alcohol and Drug Resistance

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at saying no to drugs and alcohol. A college admissions paper provides anecdotal exper...

ERP Questions and Essay Summaries

Using a book provided by the student, the writer answers a series of questions relating to enterprise risk management (ERP) and ge...

Philosophical Essays Application 2

Sixteen brief essays that consist of thirty three pages and eight essays on Kant and or Bentham and eight on Aristotle. There is ...

The 'Essay on Man' by Alexander Pope

In fifteen pages this narrative poem is analyzed in terms of its depiction of the eighteenth century man with each of the four sec...

Three Essays on Descartes

This research report is divided into three sections to explore ideas on this important philosopher. Various issues examined includ...

Man's Soul and God Contemplated in Philosophy Essays

In three pages philosophers Hume, Descartes, and Aristotle are applied to the concepts of man's nature, the existence of God, and ...

Wal-Mart's Supply Chain Management

This essay reports a great deal of information about supply chains, with an emphasis on Wal-Mart's supply chain. The essay reports...

An Admission Essay

In a paper of 2 pages, the author reflects on the personal reasons for pursuing a doctor of pharmacy degree. This paper does not ...

How to Preach Better

There are many suggestions one can find in articles and books about being a more effective preacher. One expert that has stood the...

Ideas for Disabilities

This essay discusses a book's ideas and tips for individuals who have certain disabilities, such as language disorders, intellectu...