African Politics Kwame Nkrumah
Uploaded by london28 on Dec 10, 2004
The political leadership of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah liberated the Gold Coast into the State of Ghana on March 6, 1957. In this time period the continent of Africa was experiencing the political changes of its people against imperial rule of powers such as, France, Britain, Poland, and Portugal. When colonial rule ended in Ghana, there were only eight independent African States Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Liberia and Sudan. Even while witnessing the beginnings of Colonial Independence, Nkrumah believed that Imperialist have "cleverly postponed their ultimate and inevitable demise by deviously granting formal sovereignty to their colonies, yet by various economic and political demises continuing to exploit and direct the fortunes of new states." We'll find that Nkrumah's tactical political objectives against Imperialism were right, when the political environment was ripe shifting towards Colonial Independence. Moreover, leading him to seek the vision Ghana's Colonial Unification and Continental Unity of Africa as whole, earning him a place in African political history.
The Road to Ghana's Colonial Independence
As a graduate student in England, he presented his political beliefs against Colonialist, by joining student organizations and disseminating his message through the press. While at the London School of economics to the In 1947 Kwame published a powerful pamphlet denouncing Imperialist rule in the Gold Coast, Towards Colonial Freedom, where he presented a four-point program that called for the abolition of political illiteracy, the organization of the masses and the establishment of an educational fund and an national press. He became Vice President of the West African Student Union while at the same time denouncing foreign rule in Africa through the African Interpreter. Such passion toward ending foreign rule drove Kwame to form secret society know as Circle Union of Socialist African Republics that sought to liberate Africa from Imperialist oppression.
After forming the circle in England, Kwame was asked become a secretary of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), "an organization formed mainly by lawyers, doctors and chiefs, to end British colonial rule in the Gold Coast in the shortest possible time" in 1947. In his new position, Kwame demonstrated the organizational skills he acquired through Coloured Workers Association by quickly expanding UGCC offices throughout Ghana from two to six hundred with a six-month framework. This outreach program proved to be effective, in spreading...