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Chaucer is a perpetual fountain of good sense, learned in all sciences

Uploaded by naveed99 on Dec 25, 2014

Geoffrey Chaucer, certainly a man of considerable expertise, is generally regarded as the painter of life who paints life with such a delicacy that nothing is blurred and each colour is clear and true. "He (Chaucer) is a perpetual fountain of good sense", says Dryden, "learned in all the
sciences, and therefore speaks on all subjects." Certainly true it is , as we see a multitude of characters in The Prologue To Canterbury Tales, each distinctly described with their typical traits and vivid individual details. He first presents his pilgrims against their rank and profession and then proceeds to give the individual details of them (i.e) their physique, dress code, hobbies, food habits, knowledge etc.

Chaucer being acutely aware of the society of his time tried to portray the true image of it. Taking his characters from almost all sections of the society he lived in, he portrayed them as they were, adding always a touch of humour to make them more interesting. Having an intimate knowledge of human nature, he presents his pilgrims so intricately and realistically that it would not be inappropriate to call him a master of human psyche. Describing the pilgrims from various sections of the society, he is acutely aware of their profession and has enough knowledge to cut a real figure of their lives.

Chaucer, as described by Dryden, as learned in all sciences, is because of the fact that Chaucer, while describing the character of the pilgrims was entirely aware of their professions they practiced, their appearances, manners and of course the hypocritic natures of many of them. Chaucer infused life in the characters to such an extent that it seems likely that he made them step from the pages so as to speak as individuals. Be it the Knight, the Squire, the Prioress, the Monk, the Friar, the Clerk, the Sergeant of law, the Physician
or the others, it seems that Chaucer was very well acquainted with the professions they practiced and portrayed its real picture with a blend of humour which mostly consists of satire and irony. Squire, he describes as, a lover and lusty bachelor who is consistently singing and playing the flute. Prioress, he describes as, a fluent French speaker who takes great care to eat her food daintily, to reach for food on the table delicately, and to wipe her lip clean of grease before drinking from her cup, wearing a brooch...

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Uploaded by:   naveed99

Date:   12/25/2014

Category:   Literature

Length:   2 pages (481 words)

Views:   3865

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Chaucer is a perpetual fountain of good sense, learned in all sciences

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