Uploaded by longquoc88 on Mar 18, 2008
Have you ever wished to have a sexy body like a supermodel? I am probably asking an odd question: who does not? However, the fact that nowadays people are getting fatter and fatter makes that dream seem to be unrealizable. How can a fatty person with plump cheeks and a big belly like a pregnant look standardly beautiful or handsome? Fortunately, there are still some ways to make you slimmer and more attractive. That is losing weight. All you have to do is following three steps below.
The first step to slim down is doing more exercises. You may be afraid as taking this step, but physical exercises work very well in decreasing pounds, especially three sports: swimming, cycling and weight-lifting. Firstly, swimming is a good sport for those who not only want to have weight loss but also need to improve their challenged height. Swimming about one to two hours at weekends is enough. Remember to divide the exercise into small parts for the first few times because your body may not be familiar with long practice yet. Secondly, if you can add cycling to your exercise schedule, it will help a lot. By going cycling, you can both easily spend your energy, contemplate beautiful scenes and enjoy fresh air on the very cool mornings. Cycling about five to ten kilometers a day is very helpful. Finally, if you can, you should do weight-lifting because this sport is the best and fastest way to burn fat. However, it may be dangerous if you do it the wrong way or so seriously. Therefore, you need to consider your health status and do the sport carefully. As you see, physical exercises are a very effective way to lose weight and, according to many scientists, to have a beautiful skin.
Doing exercises only is not enough because you only lose weight when the energy you take in is lower than the one you spend. Thus, going on a diet is the second step. What you should do first is avoid food with fat and sugar. For example, instead of having an afternoon coke, drink a glass of water, or instead of eating a hamburger, try rice with a small amount of meat. Next, because you do exercises everyday, you need energy to work out. So try to eat protein food and drink a lot of water. Remember not to eat too much, even...