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Mathematics and Poetry: Conflict or Conciliation

Uploaded by naveed99 on Apr 27, 2012

"Mathematics and Poetry: Conflict or Conciliation"

It is most likely that at the very first glance over the title may give you the impression of these two disciplines being the contrary forces, but, is it all true or there is something else lurking beneath these two seemingly contrary forces? Surely they are not all parallel but do share a meeting ground, a point of intersection. Obviously you might have guessed by now that I would rather stress upon the inter-disciplinary conciliation and not the conflicts, which I think are scanty.

Let me not draw parallels between a well knit structure (i.e) metre, rhythm, a special pattern of a poem and that of the elegant inner linear symmetry of a Mathematical theorem where we see the unbroken chain of logical ideas but I would rather try to draw a primary analogy, which I think, often gets unnoticed between these two branches of knowledge. "Playing with INFINITY", I think, is the hallmark of both the disciplines. Both the disciplines play with 'Infinity' and try to grab it within a limited arena (i.e) Poet, a man of considerable expertise, by using an intelligent 'play of words' and in case of a Mathematician, who with an equal deftness tickles with infinity with a clever 'play of numbers'. Surely this tickling with infinity is more often seen in the discipline of Mathematics nevertheless it is never the sole legacy of Mathematics rather both the disciplines share this estate with equal proportions. The best example of this 'playing with Infinity', in case of Poetry, could be seen in no other Poem than William Blake's poem "Auguries of Innocence", where in the very first stanza he takes a tremendous leap of imagination and says :
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour"

Not only is the matter of 'Infinity' specified there but the "time and space" enigma, which I consider the basis of all knowledge, is worth noticing here.
Also the same poets spiritual portrait of Issac Newton, the scientist, showing the scientist plotting out universe by using some Geometrical figure on a sea shore is evident of the scientists extreme desire of viewing the universe in no more than a 10 centimeter square area. Moreover both the disciplines plung in the world of 'Abstraction' where...

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Uploaded by:   naveed99

Date:   04/27/2012

Category:   Humanities

Length:   3 pages (759 words)

Views:   3163

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