Michelangelo, depicted by David
Michelangelo depicted David before the battle, with the tension and emotion evident in every vein and muscle. Instead, he shows him in the process of the fight. This represents the element of time in his work. The views are forced to complete the action that David has begun for us. With David's positioning, a new concept of space comes into play. "No longer does the figure remain still in a Classical contrapposto stance, but rather extends into the surrounding space away from a vertical axis. This movement outward from a central core forces the viewer to take into account both the form and the space between and surrounding the forms-in order to appreciate the complete composition" (Fichner-Rathus 360). In order to understand the sculpture fully, we must move around the work. As we move, the views of the work change drastically.
In conclusion, Michelangelo (1475-1564) was arguably one of the most inspired creators in the history of art. As a sculptor, architect, painter, and poet, he exerted a tremendous influence on his contemporaries. Michelangelo was pessimistic in his poetry and an optimist in his artwork. Michelangelo's works showed humanity in its natural state. Michelangelo's sculptures were his goals. Michelangelo was very intelligent for the works that he did. Michelangelo always wanted to finish the works that he worked on before moving on to another. I think that Michelangelo was to good of a person. He educates the people of today as well as the people in his time about the true religious aspects that there is to learn. Michelangelo was a role model for the people of his time as well as for the people of today.
Works Cited
Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.,
The book Michelangelo the Sculptor is like none other book. This book contains all of the drawings, publications, and sculptures that were ever created by Michelangelo. This book is the second volume of a two volume series. The first volume was written to go more in depth with no illustrations in regards of the paintings or sculptures. This book seems to focus more on the sculptors that Michelangelo has done. In the table of contents it appears to lack the normal criterion that makes up a table of contents. It just seems to focuses on...