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The Crowned Psychotics

Uploaded by naveed99 on Apr 27, 2012

I don't know whether to laugh at or
to cry or...whatever... anyway, I
can't stand still and remain silent all the
time. Being given eyes, how can I
endure remaining neutral all the
time and shut my eyes every
now and then at the incoherence and
rambling of our so
called "Intellectuals" usually crowned
with the label "Philosophers". I really
wonder when I recall their remarks
and their adeptness at playing with
words. It is quite ironical that a large
mass of scholarly ones take their
incoherence and nonsense babbling
as the great philosophical
discourse. Their justification of
unjustifiable, their art of decorating
lies and presenting them in a more
beautiful and 'Truer than the Truth style' is surely"Remarkable
"(of course Ironical) but I can't understand when
their absurd remarks (i.e)"You are
where you are not",
,"You can only hear when you hear
what is not there", "There is
nothing outside the text"[The poor
fellow (Derrida) himself fell short of defining
what he meant by the
term"text" and when forced to define,
made it even more complicated.]etc... are
interpreted multidimensionally by
the 'more-than-sane' critics.They run to
interpret it like that of the wild hounds
running after a dead and stinky carcass.
Their gibberish attempts while trying
to find out meaning in the
meaningless and their art of
interpreting that piece
of "Work" or "Discourse" in such a
manner as to show it more
meaningful than the
word 'meaning' itself, is
surely "Praiseworthy" (of course I mean the opposite) . It certainly
looks wonderful to see these
intellectual hounds running after the
illusions created by their unhinged

To this I'd say Groucho
Marx was 100% right in saying:
may look like an idiot and talk like
an idiot but don't let that fool you.
He really is an idiot"...

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Uploaded by:   naveed99

Date:   04/27/2012

Category:   Humanities


Views:   1640

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