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To My Lost Ruby

Uploaded by naveed99 on Apr 11, 2013

To My Lost Ruby For She was seven and I six...yes six And never knew I that weird pull Verily too strange for any such kids, Though not that strange that one forbids. Of course not of the sensual nature, But that pull transcended every feature. For she knew not and neither did I, What that rose was that bloomed by & by And those hopscotch days I still remember Whenever we played I cheated her. For she was so docile and I too clever. But No !...No !...she proved even cleverer. Perhaps she knew I was playing unfair, But yet she protested not, I don't know why I entertained the idea that I was clever, And only now I question myself, WAS I? O! No! It was her feminine heart Too big for me to comprehend. Where such cheats meant pleasure Which now I begin to apprehend. But when she cheated she cheated big Too intolerable for scuh a kid. O! My fellow reader be Slow and Nay! I have Somthing Grave to Say... Days passed happily until that day, Even now I shiver when I try to say, That horrible, spiteful nasty hour, That lured her into that fatal stray. Strayed she towards the cruel stream, Surely it must have been its cunning scheme, Which tempted her to go near and near And then it engulfed her from head to toe Perhaps lately realised that stream, Of what treasure it robbed me off, Wailed it with me but of little use, After taking away that dearest Muse. Got we off her from the waters, But only after she 'ReceiveD' pyrexia there, Went I too a few days later, To that hospitals gloomy theatre. Although consumed with nervous breakdown, Still she manged, after seeing me, That promised grin though meek that time, Of which were jealous all the climes. And the crescent that her lips formed, Was the brightest of all the moons in heavens. But who knew it won't last any more days, And will lead to the deafening silence which often slays...

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Uploaded by:   naveed99

Date:   04/11/2013

Category:   Poems

Length:   2 pages (345 words)

Views:   1887

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