What is in the name, that they call it 'God Particle' !
Uploaded by naveed99 on Jul 12, 2012
At the very first look at the name of this newly discovered sub-atomic particle “God Particle”, ones imagination immediatly takes a metaphysical leap to the supreme divine entity i.e God and at the same moment, the metaphysical question arises i.e whether there is something godly in this newly discovered sub-atomic particle? Of course, I ,being a Literature student and not a first-grade Physics student, it is as obscure to me as to a dilettante but I must confess here that my fragile links with the discipline of Physics could not deter me from writing this article because, I believe, everybody is in an inalienable connection with the universe and one must try to comprehend the mysterious cycle of cosmos.
Now lets look at the name of this particle from the view point of a man-of-scripture i.e a religious man. It is quite natural that he may smell something fishy with its name because it is 'God Particle' and not 'Gods Particle'. Had it been 'Gods Particle', it would have been to some extent digestable but one can not guarantee that too. Being called 'God Particle', it is obviously provocative of some grim assertions from religious clerics who discern it as a mockery of the Supreme Divine entity; nothing but a plain mockery, a hardcore apostasy, a cunning heresy. He does not feel it out of his ignorance but he has a point i.e how come the Science, which has long before abandoned the existence of, lets put it in straight terms, God, can put such a label of 'God Particle' on their newly discovered sub-atomic particle. So naturally the man-of-belief has a reason to smell fishy with the name because Science believes only in the God which can be proved in an empirical laboratory.
Higgs Boson Particle is the primary or original name of this sub-atomic particle which, as Physicists claim, is responsible for giving Matter the mysterious property of Mass and which is of course one of the 'most important but least understood' aspect of matter and this veiled aspect of Matter has ever been tickling with Physicists. Of course, what is the wondering point here is, why is this particle labelled as God Particle despite its original name being Higgs Boson? Surely, as earlier stated, it is suggestive of heresy but perhaps in this hi-tech Science-dominated planet it would be viewed as an achievement of...