How And Why The U.S. Military Has Repeatedly Been Unprepared To Execute Its Primary Mission At The Outbreak Of Hostilities

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7 pages in length. Stepping foot onto the battlefield is the final component in a long line of preparations whereby the individual who initiates that step is mentally, physically and strategically ready for combat. Unfortunately, this common sense approach to military operations There are a number of considerations above and beyond acquiring a good tactical leader that determine successful organizational strategy in combat. Identifying the root factors affecting the U.S. military's readiness to perform its primary function during the initial stages of Task Force Smith and Operation Desert Storm reveal two indefensible reasons: deplorable leadership and inadequate ammunition. The lack of appropriate training in conjunction with insufficient, inoperable or undersupplied munitions created a scenario whereby every soldier who stepped forth into battle was sure to be ill-equipped to come out alive. Bibliography lists 8 sources.