Visual Perception: Part-Based And Surface-Based

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9 pages in length. The manner by which human beings perceive what they see is comprised of a multidimensional approach of part-based and surface-based visualization that serves to segment the object and then reconstruct it in the mind's eye so as to finally see it as a whole. A chair, for example, is looked at two ways: 1) as a holistic entity and 2) as an assemblage of four legs, a seat and a back support; walking around that chair confirms there is yet another side that cannot be viewed from the front but serves to complete the structural identification of this chair. A 2-D photograph of a chair, by virtue of this understanding, would thereby make holistic perception more of a challenge due to self-occlusion; only because we know chairs have a backside do we automatically presume the one in the photo does, as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.