How We Live & How We Feel About Dying
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An 8 page research paper/essay that examines 3 books. In this secular age where for many people science and rationality have replaced faith and religion, there is an aching void in the lives of many in regards to the finality and inevitability of human mortality. In a search for meaning and purpose and a means of facing mortality with peace, it is also true that many people overlook a fundamental truth, which is how we live our lives deeply affects the way we feel about dying. This truth is demonstrable in the lives record in three books: the account that Sister Helen Prejean gives of Death Row inmates; the writings of Mahatma Gandhi and the autobiography of Sister Chan Khong. By examining these accounts, it is possible to obtain guidance on the "big" questions of life, that is, Why are we here? What gives life meaning? and How can we face death with a sense of peace? No additional sources cited.