Elderly: Depression And Suicide

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8 pages in length. The trend in elderly suicide has fluctuated over the past three decades to reveal a distinct correlation between depression and the desire to take one's life (McKeown et al). No fewer than two million of the more than thirty-five million elderly in America have some form of diagnosed depression; another five million exhibit symptoms too slight to warrant an official diagnosis or go undiagnosed altogether. The mid fifties marks the recognition of depression and the beginning thoughts of suicide particularly in men (Kaplan). As of the year 2000, eighteen percent of suicide deaths reflected those age sixty-five and older; to define this statistic even further, Caucasian men at least eighty-five years old represented the majority of the deaths (Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts). Broken down by age groups, 2004 statistics reveal the following number of suicides: 45-54: 16.6%; 55-64: 13.8%; 65-74: 12.9%; 75-84: 16.9%; 85 and over: 16.4% (Health, United States, 2006). Bibliography lists 11 sources.