George Packer/Assassin’s Gate
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A 3 page book review on George Packer’s text Assassin’s Gate. George Packer, a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine, describes himself as a “liberal hawk,” who initially supported the current invasion of Iraq. His take on the war, as voiced in his book Assassin’s Gate, offers his reader a biographical look at the war that focuses on Packer’s eyewitness account as a war correspondent, as the “bulk” of Packer’s text consists of his account of “what he saw in Iraq between July 2003 and January 2005.” As this suggests, because Packer is good journalist, this fact alone makes his account of the US war with Iraq significant. Packer uses his considerable journalistic skills to give his reader a sense of what the war looks like from an Iraqi perceptive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.