Matthew 22:34-46

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A 5 page sermon on Matthew 22:34-46. In Matthew's Gospel, that is the Jewish world of the first century, the only people whom demographic groups that Jesus spurns are religious leaders, the "chief priests, Sadducees, scribes and Pharisees" of Jerusalem (Kozar 78). When Jesus comes to Jerusalem, it is presented in Matthew as the "culmination of his ministry," and the chief priests and Pharisees are fully aware of the fact that Jesus' parables are targeted against them (Kozar 78). In Matthew 22:34-46, a "scribe of the Law" attempts to trap Jesus into what would be a politically incorrect gaff for this era by asking Jesus which "Law is the greatest" (Kozar 78). However, Jesus' answer is superbly stated, as he teaches that "all of the Law and the Prophets rest on the command to love God and neighbor (22:34-40)" (Kozar 78). Bibliography lists 4 sources.