Moral Relativism

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3 pages in length. Given the interpretive nature of moral relativism, it is difficult to impose one's ethical perspective upon another whose choices do not abide by one's standards. Global societies embrace a significant diversity when it comes to moral relativism, and no single community can claim a higher measure of morality than another due to the validity inherent to each different culture. Cannibalism, for example, is considered absolutely morally intolerable in civilized societies, however, it is a cultural norm for tribal peoples. Physical abuse is entirely acceptable in some foreign countries where patriarchy reigns, yet it is against the law in other more socially enlightened societies. Therefore, moral relativism stands as a wholly individual perspective; one can no more convince another of the ethical nature of a given action and expect that person to abide by one's viewpoint than can that person persuade others to accept seemingly unethical behavior. Bibliography lists 2 sources.