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A Workplace Ethical Dilemma

In nine pages a dilemma is identified, analyzed in terms of the problem itself and its components, and then recommendations are ma...

Case Study on an Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

The primary ethical issue lay in whether to terminate the pregnancy. The doctor of record resisted abortion as an option, in fact...

Workplace Ethical Dilemma

clear difference in power and authority. Charlie has been with the company for ten years and is now head of purchasing. He has a r...

A Dilemma of Ethics in the Workplace

personal correspondence of others regardless of how inviting the opportunity might be. Like other system administrators i...

Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas

the reality of the good end" (Ross, 2005). Ross suggests that we can "have the satisfaction of being right, regardless of the dama...

An Ethical Dilemma

in the firms code of ethics. The student has split loyalties, there is the loyalty that is owed to the manager. The manager is one...

The Utilization of Four Ethical Theories

We all make ethical decisions every day but there are there are times when we are challenged with an ethical dilemma. In business,...

Reflective Learning Document - Ethics

important that al continuers are taken due to the space constrained, and by the end of two weeks there is not more room left to st...

Theories Of Ethics

Categorical Imperative and states that before we act we consider what the effect of that action would be if it became a universal ...

The Ethical Issues Raised in the Film Wall Street

character: Gekko cannot perceive of any moral way of doing things and instead relates his job, his life, and his pursuits to his ...

Ethical Considerations and Artificial Insemination

childs right to have knowledge and access to his or her genetic heritage. Artificial inseminations using donor sperm has been esti...

Ethical Dilemma, Unacceptable Behavior

This research paper/essay describes an ethical dilemma concerning a colleague's alcoholism and recommendations draw on the ethical...

Substance Abuse, An Ethical Dilemma

This paper discusses how an ethical dilemma can be addressed using professional counseling ethical codes of conduct. Three pages i...

A 7-Step Path in Making an Ethical Decision

This essay discusses a scenario involving an ethical dilemma, and then relates the steps taken in making an ethical decision. Thre...

Selecting Between 2 Acceptable and 'Good' Decisions

be seen as a defining moment; the choosing between right and right. There may be several aspects that are considered. Firstly, the...

John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, and Jim the Botanist by Bernard Williams

morality that originated in its modern form with Jeremy Bentham -- utilitarianism. Mill believed that an action should be judged b...

Professional Ethics: Nursing Inmates

all aspects of professional nursing and a nurses obligation to patients to provide ethical and professional quality care. The firs...

Artificial Nutrition/hydration & Terminal Pediatric Patient

the insertion of a central line, threaded through a vein, and it was once believed that it would aid cancer patients, restoring ap...

Moral Decision Making and Business Ethics

an ethical lapse because this is generally refers to making decisions that are "morally wrong" (Ethics, no date). To ask someone t...

Codes of Ethics Guide Therapists

Those who work in physical and mental health professions are bound by laws, regulations, and their field's Code of Ethics that gui...

Problems of Open Borders and Solutions

laws to get it. There are no dearth of people who slip across the northern or southern borders of the United States; many are so d...

Employer and Employee Ethics

vary depending on the individual and the circumstances, meaning that it can be a very subjective judgement. In examining o...

Ethical Perspectives and Workplace Issues

the greatest number is the right thing to do (Utilitarianism: The greatest good for the greatest number, 2004; hereafter Utilitari...

Ethics and Computers in the Workplace

problems is usually a human misuse of information and technology (1). Still, as new technologies unfold, specific ethical questio...

Birth Defects and Vitamin A Overuse

In five pages this paper discusses how birth defects including those involving the cranial neural crest and retinal issues can be ...

Inequality in relation to Gender Issues

they get married, and then start the cycle all over again with their own children. Employment/Benefits Although more women ...

Ethical Dilemma with a Newborn

insist that full intervention for their baby should continue. The Ethics Committee is consulted, informed about the case, and they...


and auditors tend to be more directed toward profit maximization than doing the right thing. This brings us to the next et...


ages four to 10. In this particular case, Fred did nothing wrong, nor did any of his staff. But Fred is now...


This brings up the ethical question - should outsiders get into the act and put all kinds of filters on the Internet? Can...