Essays 1 - 30

Abortion in 'Hills Like White Elephants' by Ernest Hemingway

In five pages this research essay explores the abortion debate within the context of Hemingway's short story and how important saf...

The Issues Surrounding Abortion

A paper containing 8 pages the history of abortion, its evolving legal status as well as medical, social, and religious aspects of...

Abortion Issue and Midwives

unsafe by those who practice the procedure unskilled and unprepared for complications should they arise. So why do women still con...

Abortion and Aldous Huxley

of abortion is a selfish act and as such the president is justified in banning the bill. Huxley believed that power in the hands ...

Abortion Issues

and many of them were permanently damaged physically as well as emotionally. Some even died from the unsafe conditions of illegal ...

Abortion Issue

In five pages this paper examines the abortion issue from the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church principles. Seven sources ...

Abortion Issue Assessment

what she can do with her body, and as the fetus is in her body, the woman has a right to choose to carry it to term, or to termina...

Ethics and Definition Regarding the Abortion Issue

of the above arguments, however, is the right of the fetus to live. As has been noted above, many in U.S. society assume that the...

The Philosophies of David Hume and Rene Descartes Applied to the Abortion Issue

This, he asserted, was mans freedom of the will, in which people are able to determine their own choices, rather than be automatic...

The Pro and Con Abortion Issue

to justify abortion in general is that of preserving the presumed right of self-determination or autonomous choice. The pitfalls ...

The Moment of Conception and the Abortion Issue

In this paper containing five pages the issues of personal belief, fetal development and conception circumstances such as rape are...

Abortion, Issues and Concerns

Few issues are more polarizing to the American public than the issue of abortion on demand. This paper gives the pros and cons of ...

Abortion Issue and Morality

In five pages this paper argues that abortion can never be regarded as moral and presents counterarguments by Dworkin and Thomson....

Questioning Right and Wrong in the Abortion Issue

in the rarest of cases when equally fundamental rights would be infringed upon. The fact remains that, on the one hand, the...

Kantian Ethics Applied to the Abortion Issue

the nineteenth century, abortion was seen as the only recourse for women who had become pregnant due to being lured into the bed o...

Both Sides of the Abortion Issue

In a paper consisting of ten pages this controversy is examined from both sides and trends as well as statistical information are ...

Spain and U.S. on the Abortion Issue

This is a paper that contains eight pages in which the laws in Spain and the U.S. that pertain to abortion are compared and contra...

Ethics and the Abortion Issue

This is a paper that is twelve pages and discusses the many ethical arguments that swirl around the abortion issue that encompass ...

An Ethical Argument on the Abortion Issue

that school. He points out that the insight that Aristotle provides in "On the Soul" and "On the Generation of Animals" serves as...

Party Politics and Abortion Issue

he or she is entitled. The decision to oppose or support abortion is difficult as each side has a valid argument. Also, it is impo...

Abortion: A Moral Issue

it is murder and thus morally wrong. Those who are against abortion may often base their standing on religion, saying that God d...

Prochoice v. Prolife

Abortion is a hotly contested controversy in the United States. There is a very long history of abortion. Ancient and medieval civ...

The Many Complex Issues of Abortion

In a paper consisting of seven pages the issues relating to abortion are featured in a largely Canadian perspective and concludes ...

Discussing Ethics and Issues of Abortion

In this paper consisting of seven pages the ethical issues that continue to fuel the abortion fiery controversy are presented in t...

The Moral Issue of Abortion

A ten page realistic examination of the abortion argument from political and social perspectives includes relevant issues and beli...

Sociological Research Proposal on Abortion

In twelve pages this study proposal examines the issue of abortion by researching its relevant demographic consideration. Seven s...

Abortion and the Complexities of its Issues

In six pages this paper examines abortion in a consideration of its many complex issues. Five sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Abortion and Counseling

In five pages this paper discusses the ethical conflict regarding abortion that might arise between a client and a counselor and h...

Comparing Japan and the U.S. on the Issue of Abortion

This paper consists of five pages and includes a brief background history on abortion before weighing its pros and cons and then c...

Abortion and Ethical Issues

appears to vary according to just who is considering the question and around such particulars as whose life is being considered (T...