YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :American Colonialism and Puerto Rico

Essays 31 - 60

'The Youngest Doll' by Rosario Ferre

In five pages this short story is analyzed in terms of women's desires and their positioning in the aristocratic patriarchy of Pue...

Tensions on the Island of Puerto Rico

fertile coastal plain, twelve miles at its widest point. The mild tropical climate yields to occasional storms July through Novem...

Presentations of Colonialism

on the development of an exploitative tourist industry in Antigua. Achebe takes a very different perspective than Kincaid in tha...

Is Globalization Colonialism?

for furthering their own cultures. In this respect globalization is perhaps something that could be equated with neighbors trading...

End of European Colonialism

In two pages this essay considers post 1945 socioeconomic and political factors that resulted in the end of European colonialism....

Chinua Achebe's A Man of the People

tactics. There is a great disparity between the haves and the have nots. The health conditions are horrible with no running water ...

The Other Path of Hernando DeSoto

From among the leaders of the invaders we selected eighty to interview. They were the most prosperous and therefore those with th...

American Minorities and Culture

in these traditional groups try to retain their language and keep their heritage alive to an extent. Their native languages of cou...

Hispanic Cultures in the United States

Mexican Americans living in various states, such as California and Texas, that have likely been living in that state since it beca...

Puerto Rico Idioma

relaci?n con el espa?ol y el ingl?s. Esto puede deberse al hecho de que se encuentran extendidos en muchos estados de la naci?n y,...

Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba Development Comparison

In four pages the development of these countries over the past several years are compared in terms of society, politics, and econo...

Musical History and Development of the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Puerto Rico

In forty five pages Latin American regional music is considered in this historical and developmental overview. Twenty sources are...

Senior Citizens of Puerto Rico

In seven pages this paper examines social and cultural differentiations as they apply to Puerto Rican senior citizens. Ten source...

Colonialism and the New Testament

Puritans saw themselves a turning away from a thousand years of established religious teaching so that the "truth" of the New Test...

Justice In The Labor Market For Women According To Age, Education And Work Experience: Southeast Region Of Puerto Rico

growing and the rate of unemployment falling, male labor force participation dropped by 3 percentage points...In sum, the U.S.-Pue...

Colonialism in Canada and Nigeria

spectrum is the colonialism the developed in areas predominantly comprised by African slaves (Johnson, 2002). Despite its oil wea...

Effects of Colonization on South Africa

This research paper presents a short history of colonialism in South Africa. The writer focuses on slavery as a primary effect of ...

The People Under Colonialism

Colonialism has profound effects, both on the indigenous peoples and upon those who would create colonies. This paper defines term...

African Colonialism

A. Abu Boahen gives an unusual view of the colonial experience in African Perspective on Colonialism. Most books take the European...

Essay on 1999 Documentary Nuyorican Dreams

at an alternative school which he founded. Robert is an eloquent spokesman regarding how the culture of poverty harms minority mem...

U.S. Hispanic Groups

of the Roman Catholic Church" though there are a growing number of non-Catholics in the population (Mexican American, 2006). The ...

Middle East Development and Colonialism's Influence

from the continent of Europe (Smith, 1994). The political power balance was shifting, the colonial powers were developing in the w...

Colonialism's Effect on Anthropology

"Day after day, minute to minute, Tutsi by Tutsi: all across Rwanda, they worked" (Gourevitch, 1998; p. 18), the sole purpose of t...

Examining Four Hispanic Groups

Mexicans living in the United States comprising 61.2% of all Hispanics in the country, by far the largest population segment (Engl...


to view immigration reform in a vastly different manner than their Cuban counterparts. Furthermore, Cuban political savvy is going...

Hispanic Identity

Nation, 2007). Religious: The primary religion of the Cuban people is Catholicism although the numbers have dropped since the nat...

Marquez and Silko, Two Views of Colonialism

alone in the beginning of the novel and they will be alone again in the end as the efforts to truly colonize this little region pr...

Colonialism in the Works of Chinua Achebe and Kojima Nobuo

of American reaction to Japans surrender is wrong. While undoubtedly many Americans stationed in Japan still hated the Japanese be...

Identity and Puerto-Rican Americans

whole, as the US Census bureau indicates that 25 percent of all living on the mainland and 55 percent of Puerto Ricans living on t...

Root Cause of Problems in the Middle East

that the CIA covertly engineered a coup in Iran that overthrew a democratically elected president and instituted a dictatorial rul...