YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :American Colonialism and Puerto Rico

Essays 121 - 150

"The Little Prince" of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in the Fable and in the Reality

some critics believe that "post-colonialism" implies, mistakenly, that "colonialism is over when in fact most of the nations invol...

Soyinka: "Death and the King's Horseman"

deeply offends the District Officer and his wife, Britons named Simon and Jane Parkinson (Scott, 2006). Things are further compl...

Colonialism Themes and Albert Camus

in the cave, all alone, he dies a happy death. What this story is indicating is that the French Government, or any other impe...

David Scott Kastan's Discussion of Shakespearean Analysis

at Shakespeare in a vacuum. That is, Kastan looks at Shakespeare in its own right but negates the political and social influences ...

The Ramayana and Its Interpretation by R.K. Narayan

short stories many in which he dealt with the political and social issues associated with Indian independence, many in which he pr...

19th Century Developments and the Relevance of Social Darwinism

Darwinism. Old ways were questioned but there was a caveat. Suddenly the mainstream had an excuse for their past and present bruta...

'My Hips, My Caderas' by Alisa Valdes Rodriguez and Colonialism

herself choosing to study French instead of Spanish and turned down dates from Latino boys, preferring the blue eyed blondes inste...

French Revolution and French Nationalism

that "France is revolutionary, or she is nothing at all" (Polasky, 1996, p. 5). As these statements suggest, French history did no...

Imperialism and Mark Twain's 'King Leopold's Soliloquy' and Lesley Falls' 'An Open Letter to His Serene Majesty Leopold II'

Leopold is doing what he promised, or doing what he is supposed to be doing. Falls recites one who he says has been close to Leopo...

Modern Asia, A History

to cure the problems the colonial power fell from its colony. A separate electoral formula was introduced with the 1909 Government...

Roland Joffe's The Mission and the Film's Portrayal of New World Colonialism and Jesuit Missions

forest, which would later represent the convergence of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina, symbolically depict a convergence of the h...

Comparing Colonialism Themes in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

the traditional society to fall apart," observes G.D. Killam. "Okonkwo is unable to adopt to the changes that accompany colonialis...

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe from a Sociological Perspective

In five pages this research paper examines several sociological concepts relevant to this 1959 novel including British coloniali...

A Colonialism Examination

and 10% Asians and 10% other and mixed races. While the majority of the nations have a great deal of black people, Detrocopia is c...

India and the British Empire

elements of civilisation to the native Britons, and in the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Pax Britannica was frequentl...

Examples of Welfare Colonialism

be descended from the original inhabitants of a region prior to the onslaught of arrivals from outsider cultures (Burger, 1988). ...

Colonial Projects and the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson and Rudyard Kipling

such things as "To veil the threat of terror/ And check the show of pride" and "The blame of those ye better/ The hate of those ye...

1994 Rwanda Genocide

to play with theories of collective madness, mob mania, a fever of hatred erupted into a mass crime of passion, and to imagine the...

Globalization and Social Change

could know about the happening. Never before has this been possible. With this globalization has come significant chang...

Articles on Post Colonial Development

is correct in stating that the increase in the burden of debt has been an important factor with regard to the growth of more autho...

Summary and Resources on Virginia Woolf

to dehumanize both the invader and the invaded to the extent that the value of human life is lost(Phillips 123). Phillips ...

Back to the Motherland

own lands(**). Reinsertion is accompanied, in most cases, with some form of aid which makes certain that the returning soldiers h...

Environmental Racism and Nuclear Colonialism

In five pages this paper discusses nuclear colonialism and environmental racism and the impact of technology on the contemporary w...

Negative Effects of Colonialism on Malaysia

In nine pages this paper examines British colonialism in Malaysia in terms of its detrimental effects with various instances of re...

1500 to 1700 English History

This paper examines England's history during this time period with such topics as religion, society, colonialism, expansionism, fo...

Colonialism and 'Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith

In six pages this paper examines colonialism as portrayed by Smith in his classic economics text. There are no other sources list...

Films of the 3rd World and Representation of Social Change

In seven pages this research paper discusses how cinema of the Third World represents gender, race, imperialism, and colonialism. ...

Kenyan Statesman Jomo Kenyatta

In 6 pages the architect of Kenya, the man who transformed it from colonialism to modernity, Jomo Kenyatta, is examined. There ar...

Gender Theory Illustrated in Cloud Nine

Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill uses disruption in gender to bring into focus the repression of gender roles in the larger society. ...

Derek Walcott, Chinua Achebe, and Non Native Writers Use of English

cursory look at Achebes work shows that this is a reasoned and well thought-out choice that serves to underscores the authors mess...