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Essays 1 - 30

American Dreams and American Cities

that -- unlike the European countries, from which so many nineteenth century immigrants to the US left behind - the upper classes...

Modern Americans' and Native Americans' Rites of Passage

In seven pages this paper compares the contemporary American teenager with Tukuna, Okrika, and Okiek Native American counterparts ...

The Business World from a Literary Viewpoint

pictured as giving them a chance to live as equals with everyone-no upper classes-everyone doing as he or she pleased. Sinclair...

The American Dream

people are happy to work for practically nothing, low-skill labor is relegated to the food and service industries, which offer min...

Gatsby & the American Dream

is when Gatsby holds out his arms toward a small green light in the distance, which the reader learns later is the green light on ...

The American Dream

and then sued the "bad" trusts that essentially took advantage of small businesses and the people (Jensen, 2007). One of these "ba...

Social Security Versus The American Dream

public transportation or carpooling with friends. To fill up the tank of this older model, low mileage car costs $75. Moreover, ...

Analysis of David Lynch's Twin Peaks Film

for comic relief. Here its everyone... its all about these little moments of behavior. Its like sitting down and just watching peo...

Cherokee Influences on Colonial Settlers

This paper addresses Native American Culture and its impact on colonial American society. The author discusses various ways in wh...

3 Authors on Ethnicity and Race

In nine pages this paper examines ethnicity and race as viewed by Elaine Bell Kaplan in 'Not our kind of girl : unraveling the myt...

Hispanics and The American Dream

This paper pertains to Hispanics Americans and the importance of these immigrants in achieving the American Dream. Three pages in ...

The American Dream, Willy Loman, and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

II, Miller was able to show that the American Dream as a way of life is a sham -- and why. Death of a Salesman tells the story of...

The Individual and Society in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

In a paper consisting of five pages the ways in which American society orchestrates Willy Loman's downfall are considered in terms...

Jay Gatsby and the American Dream

move comfortably in the social circle of people like the Buchanans. Fitzgerald shows us all the trappings of wealth: the gorgeous...

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

In eight pages this paper analyzes this classic American novel and its confrontation of post First World War truths about the Amer...

Uses of Humor in The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon and White Noise by Don DeLillo

In thirteen pages this paper examines how American culture, specifically, the American Dream, is critiqued using humor in each of ...

American Dream as a Nightmare in Ralph Ellison's 'Invisible Man' and F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby'

In five pages this paper provides a comparative analysis of these two famous American literary works in terms of the acquisition o...

American Dream As Embodied in Benjamin Franklin

it pertains to ones identity. Franklin essentially constructs his approach to self, or identity, never really calling it self or...

A Book Review of Dan Rather's 'The American Dream'

dedication, and vision. Rather bases his story on over thirty key interviews that he held over the years, interviews that...

Capitalism Fuels Colonial Expansion

the scene may seem sublime, it can be interpreted as a depiction of contrast between cultures. In the foreground stands the Europ...

Income Inequality and the American Dream: A Loss of Opportunities

This 3 page paper provides an overview of Howard Brick's critique of the American Dream and its inaccessibility in the 21st centur...

The American Dream

they wonder why they must live less well than they did when they were young. Baby boomers find that they can no longer get jobs, t...

2 Poems by Langston Hughes

In five pages 'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' and 'Dream Deferred' poems of Langston Hughes are compared in a discussion of brutal re...

What Is The American Dream As Portrayed In "Death Of A Salesman"?

He had a good dream. Its the only dream you can have - to come out number-one man. He fought it out here, and this is where...

Is the California Dream Over?

place he established were treated as little better than slaves, and lost their autonomy. So the cost of bringing the "white mans" ...

Reviewing Closing of the American Mind Closing of the American Mind / Book Review

In The Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom decries the lapse of teaching of traditional American values in American universi...

Hunter Thompson/Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

downers, screamers, (and) laughers (Thompson 4). Additionally, their arsenal against sober perception also includes "a quart of te...

Gatsby & The American Dream

her well-loved eyes" (Fitzgerald 111). As this suggests, Gatsbys many possessions and signs of extreme wealth are not important ...

The History of California Native Americans Prior to 1900

of peoples in the area, as settlements were logically more concentrated around water. Members of all groups were particularly dev...

Society and American Pop Art

In five pages this paper examines pop art as featured at New York City's Whitney Museum of American Art in terms of history and th...