YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Analysis of Giovannis A Memoir Of War

Essays 1 - 30

Philip Caputo's A Rumor of War

Caputo's Vietnam War memoir is reviewed in a paper consisting of two and a half pages....

Review and Summary of Peter Goldman and Tony Fuller's Charlie Company (What Vietnam Did to Us)

In five pages this 1983 memoir on soldiers' Vietnam War experiences is summarized, reviewed, and critiqued....

Theological Analysis of Night by Elie Wiesel

the figure of Christ. It must be remembered, also, in this context, that one of the most important principles of Judaism is the co...

War and Its Futility as Conveyed by Poetry

In five pages this paper analyzes war's futility in a comparative poetic analysis of 'Poor Man' and 'WPA.'...

An Analysis of Giovanni's A Memoir Of War

of violence and vengeance. The author explains that it was when she was in Maglaj that she came to a full understanding of war; t...

Michael J. Fox: Lucky Man

notes that he kept it quiet for a long time from the public eye. His medication allowed him to do this so that people were not awa...

Philip Caputo’s Policy Paper to Richard Nixon’s 1968 Presidential Campaign on Vietnam

The following represents what Caputos policy paper to the Nixon campaign about the conduct of the conflict might have looked like....

Tobias Wolff's The End of Illusion In Pharaoh's Army

In five pages the Vietnam War's Tet Offensive is the focus of this overview of the memoir by Tobias Wolff. One source is cited in...

Character Development in The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

It is true that he offers a detailed and thorough account of strategy, weaponry and...

War by Luigi Pirandello

potential, or realistic, loss of children during the war. War has always taken children from the parents and this is simply a very...

"The War Drags On" by Donovan

This essay provides analysis and discussion of Donovan's 1969s protest song, "The War Drags On." Seven pages in length, two source...

Civil War Memoirs' Analysis of Co. Aytch by Sam R. Watkins and All for the Union by Elisha Hunt Rhodes

participated as a foot soldier for the duration. It details Rhodes impressive ascent through the infantry ranks, beginning first ...

Birth Defects and Vitamin A Overuse

In five pages this paper discusses how birth defects including those involving the cranial neural crest and retinal issues can be ...

Churchill/The Gathering Storm

describes how and why the disastrous ramifications of the Treaty of Versailles set up the conditions that generated continued conf...

Book Report on Alvin Kernan’s Memoir Crossing the Line: A Bluejacket’s World War II Odyssey

San Diego, California. For a young farm boy, the transition was nothing short of culture shock. The boot camp of 1941 was design...

A Rumor of War by Philip Caputo

The structural basis of imagery is symbolic of Caputos intrinsic creativity and ability to see beyond the obvious. Characteristic...

Waging Modern War by General Wesley Clark

"ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo and how NATO leaders hesitated to term planned military action as a "war." On the other hand, he also...

First World War from 2 Perspectives

in the trenches, casually mentioning the attention of their personal servant. In both cases, this suggests the lingering presence ...

Analysis of Dan Rather's The Camera Never Blinks

In six pages this research paper examines Dan Rather's journalistic memoir that describes his coverage of such events as President...

Vietnam in A Rumor Of War by Philip Caputo

In this paper consisting of two pages Philip Caputo's memoir reflects the Vietnam War experience as a whole as it represents the s...

General Lundendorff's The General Staff and Its Problems, Volume 2

In ten pages this First World War German High Command General's memoirs are examined. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Death, God, and Holocaust Survivors' Attitudes

bear. For example, most of those survivors interviewed by Schindler, Spiegel, and Malachi (1992) expressed their almost desperate...

Author's Experiences Described in Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

In five pages this paper analyzes the Second World War concentration camp memoir by Viktor Frankl entitled Man's Search for Meanin...

Dispatches by Michael Herr

which values the views of those Westerners engaged in that struggle over those of the native population. In other words, Herr is m...

Slavery Reactions of Black Women

white freedom and black slavery. The link between whites and blacks would change considerably between the arrival of those first ...

Our War by David Harris

the My Lai massacre and, also, traces the sociological template for young male soldiers to John Wayne. He writes, "I suppose each...

Second World War's Mythological Nature

In four pages this paper examines the myths associated with the Second World War in an analysis of Michael C.C. Adams' The Best Wa...

Zhang, Lahiri/Memoir and Short Story

was arrested by the cultural revolutionary forces and tortured for several months (Zhang 14). Otherwise, there was "usually enough...

Makdisi/Beirut Fragments

Maronite Militancy: The Creation and Disintegration of Lebanon," perhaps, offers implications for Makdisis seemingly inexplicable ...

Impact of the Great War on Western Literature

would be sent to war in just a few years, underscores the awful waste of youth, of life, of promise. The final stanza, in particu...