YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Argument Against Psychologist Licensure

Essays 1 - 30

An Argument Against Psychologist Licensure

If psychologists have board certification, do they really need to have a license on top of that? This essay comments on how licens...

Rebuttal to James Rachels

all the same species, we are all precisely equal. That is clearly untrue: we are all very different in physical appearance, and we...

Immigration Pro and Con

homeland defense is on governmental agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and similar bureaus, which are faced with...

The Case Against Capital Punishment

applied, was arbitrary and capricious" (67). While it seemed as if the death penalty was beginning to become less popular, this ca...

Toxic Taco’s; The Arguments Surrounding GM Crops

that GM crops have been put through. The consideration can be looked at from a commercial or business perspective, from a govern...

The role of emotion and cognition in the development of consciousness.

This paper looks at the part played by emotion and cognition in the way we develop consciousness. Psychologists such as Ellis have...

Should High School Students Be Allowed To Work

to do their homework and will get too tired. Also, teens need a day off each week which would preclude them working both Saturday ...

Substance Abuse Treatment Privacy

Confidentiality and privacy are demanded for medical and mental health professionals. Psychologists and therapists live by the Eth...

Evaluating When Children Can Testify

Everyone is challenged with ethical issues, some more often than others. This essay discusses forensic psychologists and possible ...

Death Penalty Debate

justice seems to supercede mercy (Budziszewski 39). This author, who is a Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University...

Will Cancelling Debts to Global Financial Institutions Help or Hurt Developing Nations?

and indirectly. Therefore the issue is not only the financial burden, but the conditions that were attached to the loans and the h...

Proposed Changes to the Existing Canadian Health Care System

Health Act, 2004). Nevertheless, recently the provincial government of British Columbia found it necessary to pass legislation lev...

Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Over Diagnosed?

to high increased use, but this may also be down to increased acceptance and a low baseline. To assess whether or not there is a...

Is Globalization Synonymous with Americanization?

(Friedman, 2000). Naomi Klein is against globalization and also sees the process as one tjhat is spreading American values...

The Cornish Case and the Right to Free Speech

of the Madison Country Day School to address difficult issues. Ms. Cornish charges that her dismissal has not been based on quant...

The Street by Ann Petry

financially running a vegetable store. Lutie ponder their situation, "Who would have thought that this old Italian couple...would ...

Traditional Schooling v. Home Schooling

In fact, Florida officials reported that the primary reason parents gave for wanting to school their child at home was safety.v ...

Philosophy of the Pro Choice Argument

reason (Anonymous, 2001, April 16). Utilitarianism Utilitarianism, on the other hand, is an approach to morality that was devel...

Arguing Against Gun Control

have also pointed out that those who are involved in a gun fatality are also involved in alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence...

Three Arguments Regarding Capital Punishment

In seven pages this paper considers capital punishment and three arguments such as retribution, intolerable capital offenses, and ...

Discrimination in Imposing the Death Penalty

by death. The word draconian survives to describe unusually harsh legal penalties. In modern times the use of capital punishment...

Stem Cell Research/Not an Ethical Issue

equivalent. Stem cells are extracted while the embryo is, as yet, an undifferentiated ball of microscopic cells referred to as a b...

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

that the "most powerful reason (for believing in religion) is the wish for safety, a sort of feeling that there is big brother wh...

Betting Charge in Australia Prosecution and Defense Arguments

Second Reading of the Betting Bill, the Minister for Sport and Gaming stated that the object of the legislation is to ensure that ...

Abortion and Medicaid

pressures to reduce public spending and a general social trend for individual to increase their personal responsibility. The issu...

Bogus Arguments Against Bilingual Education - Review

These background, including economic factors, have a proven impact on a childs ability and motivation to learn and affect that stu...

Perspective on Marriage/ Pro, Con Arguments

entertained an Indian couple at her home and the table conversation focused in the institution of marriage. Smita, the Indian wife...

The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures

The dominant argument for the dilution of culture is through the spread of western ideals and values though the media as well as t...

Arguments Against Internet Censorship

long as books have been published, they have been subject to editorial censorship, and even outright banning. As long as painters ...

Being Homosexual

The writer critiques the Richard Isay book Being Homosexual, which is based on Isay's 20 year career as a psychologist. Isay discu...