Essays 1 - 30

An Article Review on HIV/AIDS

virus they can be treated with new medications. The facts regarding HIV and AIDS are unfortunately much more disturbing. First, ...

Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing

noted that cases of a rare lung infection, pneumocystis carinni pneumonia, had occurred in Los Angeles and also that three young m...

A Personal Reaction to HIV and AIDS

an AIDS sufferer can speak to the weight loss, weakness, and increasing helplessness that the disease engenders. What was it and h...

HIV/AIDS & African American Women

"African American womens rights and underscores their physical, emotional and sociocultural vulnerability to HIV/AIDS" (Williams, ...

Articles on Marketing and Business Reviewed

In twenty four pages articles pertaining to marketing and business are reviewed with citations for each article included....

Prison Tuberculosis, HIV, and AIDS

In this paper consisting of eight pages there is background information on HIV, AIDs, and tuberculosis in the prison system provid...

HIV/AIDS and the Myths of its Origin

5 pages and 8 sources. This paper provides an overview of existing arguments about the nature and origins of HIV/AIDS, including ...

Mandatory HIV Testing for Pregnant Women

transmission of this disease (Chow, 2005, p. 38). In other words there is no disagreement over the positive benefits of HIV screen...

An Article Review on Human Resources and the Workplace

this study is the process of acculturation. This study, then, is analytical and considers the way in which acculturation has beco...

A Workplace and Human Resource Article Reviewed as One of a Series of Eight

author outlines the specific nature of an organization and the impacts of organizational imperialism on the interactions in this o...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

that people HIV did not affect the mainstream, it was ignored. First, what is HIV exactly? HIV is the virus that causes AIDS and s...

Article Analysis: The Effect of Uncertainty on Communication

Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Tulsa. Linda W. Cardillo is a doctoral student in the School of...

Article: The Effect of Uncertainty on Communication

Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Tulsa. Linda W. Cardillo is a doctoral student in the School of Journali...

Understanding the Physiology of AIDS and HIV

HIV virus. Some say that AIDS cases have reached epidemic proportion. One of the fortunate aspects of the constantly increasing...

Understanding the Physiology of AIDS and HIV

(Center for Disease Control, 2007). AIDS is directly associated with certain lifestyle choices. Homosexual males are amon...

Critiquing an Assessment of the Research Study on Relationship Between Learning Disabilities and HIV Risks

students have numerous misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted (Blanchett, 2002). Blanchett (2002) attempts to provide more d...

Research Proposal on Sub Sahara Africa and Orphans with AIDS and HIV

and HIV-2 are the main categories for which there are also subcategories, HIV -2 is the most virulent and also leads to the lower ...

The Impact of Post-Release Service Programs on Housing and Employment Procurement for Ex-Cons Suffering From HIV/AIDS

16,000 new infections per day (AIDS Weekly Plus, 1997). With figures like these, it is essential that health care providers under...

HIV/AIDS Issues and Knowledge of Counselors

In seven pages a literature review on the topic of educating counselors on issues relating to HIV and AIDS is examined. Five sour...

South African Politics

time as the segregationist mindset dates from the early roots of country in colonialism (Henrard 37). While racially discriminato...

Sub Saharan Africa Prevention of HIV and AIDS

only to cure and resolve the problem HIV are bound to fail as they do not tackle the root causes of the spread of the virus, The o...

The Advent of Aids at the End of the Twentieth Century

for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. First, it should be said that IDS or Immune Deficiency Syndrome is something that is caus...

AIDS, HIV, Behaviors and Attitudes of Young People I

them at risk. In one study of urban young adults ages 18-24, an average of 30% participated in risky behaviors at some time in th...

AIDS and HIV and Their Effects on Human Biology

drug users and those receiving blood transfusions. Also in 1983, researchers isolated a virus connected with the disease, a...

Liberalized Trade and Economic Growth of Zimbabwe

This 4 page essay studies Zimbabwe and the influence of the WTO and the IMF on AIDS. This paper argues for increased liberalizatio...

Women, AIDS and HIV in the District of Columbia

2009"). In responding to the crisis, the city government has not recognized the way in which "policies, and structural factors hav...

Administration of HOPWA Programs in Washington, D.C.

in the Washington, D.C. area may be broader than in other areas of the country. The HIV/AIDS Administration of the Washington, D....

Nursing: Article Reviews

some determining the study was inconclusive, others saying certain interventions should be made universal and still others stating...

Changing Role of American Foreign Aid

In nineteen pages this paper discusses how US foreign aid's role is ever changing. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography...

Trend Towards More Load Funds

In five pages a Wall Street Journal article on the disappearance of no load funds from the investment market is reviewed....