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An Article Summary of 'An Old New Immigration Policy'

a history of the country inviting low-paid workers into the country in times of need. During World War I, for instance, workers wh...

Article Summary of New U.S. Immigration Bill

important for family values. It will help keep families together, explain many. Even President Bush argued this. The article qu...

Roger Daniels' 'Rise of Anti Immigrant Sentiment' Reviewed

laws for Congress to pass including barring immigrants from holding major office, forbidding paupers, criminals and mentally distu...

U.S. Immigration Limiting

on any further immigration. If this is not implemented and adhered to, he projects the United States population will top three hu...

A Study of U.S. Immigration Law and Policies

This 15 page paper discusses U.S. immigration policies and laws in history and as they are today. The writer argues that American ...

U.S. Immigration Policy - 1800's to the Present

suffering and difficulty adjusting associated with Immigration. Even the relief of being removed from whatever hardship that brou...

James Fallows on Immigration

American way of life (Fallows, 1983). As an example of just how hard immigrants work and what they can contribute, Fallows traces ...

Illegal Immigration and the Cuban Issue

have, in fact, moved far beyond the ideology we once cherished, the ideology we so identified with that it was engraved into the b...

Christian View on Immigration

increase in immigration of roughly 120 million from 1990 (Martin and Widgren 3). The vast majority of the worlds 6.1 billion peopl...

Article Summaries on the Qur'an

The Qur'an is the focus of these article summaries....

Tom Nairn's Article on 'Micro States'

In three pages an article summary pertaining to the micro states' sensation is presented in a consideration of concept, statistics...

Response to Intervention Article Summary

who needed assistance but were not receiving it. Additionally, this process identified students with learning difficulties were no...

Article Summary of Chris Hood's 'Early Suppression Fast Response Sprinkler System'

illustrating the dangers and costs of a fire thus stressing the need for great fire safety measures. Hood (2004) then moves on ...

Why Mexicans Cross the Border

Immigration policy has turned out to be a minefield for the political parties. This research paper examines U.S.-Mexican immigrati...

An Article Analysis on Illegal Immigrants That Appeared in The New York Times

Hispanic Center), during 2001, the "unauthorized" labor force in the U.S. totaled 5.3 million workers. Out of this were 700,000 re...

Administration of Ronald Reagan and Its Latin American Foreign Policy

In four pages this paper discusses Reagan's foreign policy on Latin America as depicted in an article by Carothers....

An Article Analysis of 'Asian-Americans Note Issues Central to Them for Elections'

In three pages an article that appeared in the February 13, 2004 edition of the New York Times is analyzed....

Article Paraphrasing

the content, though the student might want to mention that the piece is badly written. The article discusses Ms. Gorton, an admin...

Standardized Testing, Immigrants And ESL

other authors do not seem to consider in their discussions. In terms of language, for instance, a proficiency test measures the st...

U.S. Open Borders and Immigration Policy

5,000 people a year, but it resulted in an influx of immigrants. According to Don Barnett, the annual average for refugee immigrat...

Jean de Coras verses Gertrude B. Himmlefarb in The Return Of Martin Guerre and The New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraisals

In this six paper paper the writer explores the book by Jean de Coras and updated by Nathalie Z. Davis. This exploration occurs a...

Border Control and Immigration Policy

fence, but rather that remedies should address both social concerns and the realities of this social, economic and political probl...

Immigration, Pros and Cons

human rights, democracy and peace is the standard," then European immigration to North America can be regarded as a blessing; how...

The United States Should Stop Admitting Immigrants

increases or decreases as people immigrate. They wanted to study the circumstances under which immigration benefits or harms diffe...

Racializing and Gendering Immigration

policies. The acronym "LPC" stands for "likely to become a public charge," and was a term applied exclusively to women who immigr...

Cocaine and Fetal Development/Article Summaries

The following paper offers summaries of six research articles: 2 each from a ProQuest database; the EBSCOhost databases and the ER...

Immigration During the 1920s

took on the low-wage jobs possessed by many Americans, and because such immigration seemed to threaten the United States. ...

Questions on U.S. Immigration Answered

racism to paint this ethnic group as being less than human and, therefore, worthy of exclusion from the US. 3. Why, according to ...

1980s to 1990s Australia Immigration Patterns

it can be said. At first many were being detained, but the question soon became one of finding enough facilities to handle the she...

Cuban Refugees and U.S. Policy on Immigration

many people arrived on American shores over the years. It is estimated that at least 400,000 people fled to the United States, and...