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Analysis/Quantitative Research Report/ICDs

substantiated by the meta-analysis performed by Lynd and OBrien (2003), which investigated the studies available on current medica...

A Quantitative Research Report Analysis

Smith, et al. (2002) do not highlight a specific problem statement, but rather present a research question used to establish a fra...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies

At the same time, it is also the case that Black women...

Two Nursing Studies

their experiences following the refresher course during the first six months of employment as a refreshed nurse. Scott, Votova ...

Nursing Practice and Types of Research Methodologies

a method which pursues both action and understanding at the same time, and points out that it is particularly relevant in situatio...

Empirical Research

that there is a great deal of literature searching in quantitative research. This is provided towards the beginning of the study a...

Ethics for Business Research

sure treatment is safe before administering it has also restricted the way those suffering may be helped for example AIDs patients...

Data Coding and Measurement Analysis

and are categorized by those familiar with and trained in criminology, law enforcement or other area of expertise. Methods of Clas...

Pain Perception Assessment Research Problem Solving

population, newborn infants who can not verbally communicate their pain or allow the researcher any means of utilizing patient sel...

Problems Associated with Gaining Reliability in Criminology Qualitative Research

The writer considers the argument that the weaknesses associated with quantitative research has the potential to undermine the pr...

Nurse's Role : Patient Smoking Cessation

with clear results provided. Quantitative and Discussion articles needed to present information that directly addresses the purpos...

Criminal Justice Research, and Qualitative Study Research Proposal Reframing

of research is that quantitative research designs depend on "quantities," on the use of statistic data that is collected, while qu...

Fibromyalgia, Critique of a Quantitative Study

This research paper presents critique of a quantitative study conducted by Cranford and King (2011). This quantitative study focus...

Research Methods, Quantitative vs. Qualitative

the limits of the quantitative research within a community, the data provided by quantitative research will provide a solid founda...

Data Presentation and Methods of Statistical Evaluation

changes resulting from the training program (Kirkpatrick, 1998). Measuring results, which helps researchers actually deter...

Contrasting Qualitative and Quantitative Research Analyses

terms of "measurement, cause and effect and reductionism" (Abusabha and Woelfel, 2003, p. 566). In quantitative research, variabl...

Comparative Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

again given similar circumstances (Thames Valley University, 2004). The process of the research is then either quantitative or qua...

Steps in Quantitative Research Analysis

De Groot identified five major steps of quantitative analysis, which has not varied over the years (Huysamen 1). First, is the fo...

Education Research, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

on using this paper properly! I. INTRODUCTION: COMPARE/CONTRAST Quantitative research should begin with an idea that is us...

HR, Quantitative and Qualitative Research

requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative research information. A popular phrase (or some variation of it) in many o...

Answering Research Questions on Qualitative and Quantitative Analytical Research

In six pages this paper discusses qualitative and quantitative research analysis differences in answers to various questions with ...

Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, and Logistics

In twenty two pages this paper examines qualitative and quantitative research as they involve logistics in a consideration of pros...

Citigroup in 2006

strong acquisition skills (Citigroup, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 2005). * Strong resilience has enabled Citigroup to grow and prosper eve...

Statistical Analysis' Value

is not a benefit to the undertaking of the screening and that as a result the resources used in the programme are not creating any...

Macbeth by William Shakespeare and Subversiveness

student researching "Macbeth" should understand that there is virtually no relationships in the play in which people or a group of...

Qualitative Research Methodology

qualitative research is subjective. Quantitative research seeks explanatory laws; qualitative research aims at in-depth descriptio...

Research Methodology Issues

accomplished when the learner is "consciously engaged in constructing a public entity" (Seymour Papert & Constructionism, 2007). O...

Ethics for Business Research

to be research subjects; the difference was that in this case they were aware of the risks and the processes they would be subject...

Human Relations and the Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

In this section, well define qualitative and quantitative research. According to The Free Dictionary, "qualitative has at least fo...

Historical Methods and How They Evolved from the 1970s to the 1990s

In five pages historical methodology and how it developed and evolved during this time period are examined with the shift from ora...