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Essays 1 - 30

Analysis of Sojourner Truth's Narrative

In five pages this paper examines the narrative that chronicles the amazing life of onetime slave and feminist activist Sojourner ...

Sojourner's 'Plain-Speaking' Truth

291). While still a slave of John Dumonts, Isabella married fellow slave Thomas and subsequently gave birth to five children. A ...

Semantic Analysis of Ar'n't I a Woman?' by Sojourner Truth

the framework of human rights has it been established that men are in any way more deserving than women. With the very first word...

Women's Rights and a Speech by Sojourner Truth

offered chivalrous acts, such as with going through doors and stepping over mud puddles; however, she also acknowledges that she, ...

Narrative Speech Under Critical Analysis

in the continuing fight for womens rights. With the very first line, Truth exposes her defiance toward the systems rules, which, ...

Applying the Concept of the Truth to Organizational Research

The writer looks at how the concept of the truth is perceived and the role of the truth in research. The concept of the truth is e...

The Impact of Female Writers in Early American Society

to hear, these discourses are important and add to American historical knowledge. Jacobs, in Life of a Slave Girl of course incor...

Comparing and Contrasting 'Ar'n't I A Woman?' and 'What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?'

This 5 page essay considers how Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass attempt to through literature chronical the struggles of th...

Slavery Reactions of Black Women

white freedom and black slavery. The link between whites and blacks would change considerably between the arrival of those first ...

Speeches of Great African Americans

In six pages the speeches and writings of Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington are discussed and reacted t...

Various Essays on World Literature

This 15 page paper comprises a series of essays in various literary genres. Works examined include the speeches of Sojourner Truth...

Fugitive Slave Act and the Compromise of 1850

freedom was the Mason-Dixon; now it was moved all the way to Canada. Bounty hunters took full advantage of this operation by gene...

Black American Feminism

7 pages. This paper provides an overview of the authorship of four significant African American authors, Maria Stewart, Anna Juli...

Nietzsche And Heidegger: Art & Aesthetics

myriad philosophies by which people live their lives that help to maintain order and a sense of direction where otherwise there wo...

Bertrand Russell: Manifestation Of Tenet

interpretive element of mans world construed - and misconstrued - at will; that something so intangible to human designation yet s...

Uhry's Driving Miss Daisy

by employing a chauffeur. Miss Daisy has strict ideas of what is right and proper, and having been brought up in Jewish social cul...

Truth and King Oedipus of Thebes

Kings plea for assistance in his crusade, Oedipus demands to know why, and is shocked to hear the words, "You are the murderer, yo...


simple event people can become confused about a truth based on the fact that everyones "vantage point" or perspective is different...

Thomas King's Truth and Bright Water

Thomas King's novel Truth and Bright Water and its thematic duality are discussed in five pages....

Slave Narratives Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs and Arn't I a Woman? by Sojourner Truth Compared

on pious airs, she would present herself as she was and play off of the conventional slave stereotype. Then, when the social main...

Wal-Mart Porter Analysis & Value Chain

two-thirds of which are in the U.S. (Biesada 2006). Besides its own stores, Wal-Mart holds a majority position in Seiyu, Co., Ltd,...

Ondaatje/Anil’s Ghost

confronted some of the obstacles that define their personal an public lives. Anil has come to terms with her identity as a Sri Lan...

The Truth About Stories by Thomas King

all realities and truths in a single work. In relationship to who this book is intended for one could well argue that...

Relationship Between Truth and History

(which could mean anytime between the early 1990s and today, Coetzees "spare" novel (as some critics have called it) concerns Davi...

Strength of Will and Compassion in Frederick Douglass's Narrative

In four pages this paper examines how the author's characteristics of perseverance, faith in the truth, gift for observation, educ...

Ahmed, Satrapi/Growing up Female in the Islamic World

through her father that Ahmed first becomes aware of the conflicting political forces that shape her world, as he is hemmed in on ...

Singin' in the Rain Film Genre Analysis

it is about a silent film star, Don Lockwood (played by Kelly) making the transition to sound pictures, a leap that not all popula...

Narrative Writing & Shepherd's Christmas Story

defined point of view, which is often that of the author. By giving "specific and sensory details," the author gets the reader inv...

Questions Concerning Five Works of Literature

This 3 page paper gives answers to questions about the works Song of Myself, slave narratives, Bartleby the Scrivener the subtitle...


This 4 page paper is a narrative essay about a trip to Cancun, the Mexican resort....