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Analyzing the Epic Poem 'Beowulf'

In four pages the classic Medieval poem is analyzed. There is no bibliography included....

An Overview of the Epic Poem Beowulf

The writer of this paper first gives an overview of the poem Beowulf, which was written in Old English, and then relates it to con...

The Epic Narrative as Exemplified in The Poem of the Cid and Beowulf

The writer argues that legends are stories that are likely to have their beginnings in fact, but over time, are added to and re-to...

Epic Poem Beowulf and the Heroic Code

In six pages this paper analyzes the epic Beowulf in terms of its interpretation of the heroic code both in characters and in deed...

The Use of Allegory and Symbolism in the Epic Poem Beowulf

Goldsmith, who sees Beowulf as being addressed to the "powerful" and designed to "warn them of the dangers attendant upon power" (...

Epic Poem 'Beowulf' and Elements of Style

that Beowulf meets Grendel, but out of family ties and vows of allegiance to the Queen. Even Grendels mother gets into the act. T...

Epic Poem 'Beowulf' and Comparison of the Dragon and Grendel

night returning, anew began ruthless murder; he recked no whit, / firm in his guilt, of the feud and crime" (II 12-22). When Hrot...

Epic Poem Beowulf Contemporary Retelling

for protection against the creature that has been terrorizing his subjects, Beowulf can hardly refuse. It is not simply because H...

Beowulf's Epic Poetry

In five pages this paper examines such events as the Dane's nation rise, attack of Heorot, hero's arrival in Heorot, Heorot feast,...

A Discussion of Christian Elements in the Epic Poem Beowulf, and in the Character of Beowulf Himself

the first great epic poems of English history is thought to have been written around the time of the first half of the 8th century...

Christianity in Beowulf

has received a considerable amount of attention. Eighteenth century critics argued in favor of viewing the poem as fundamentally p...

Comparing Poems about War to Beowulf

it is essentially the duty of this narrator. Beowulf is a man who sees his duty as that which involves risking his life. He goes...

Rap and the Rap Culture

The writer discusses the connection between the Old English epic poem Beowulf and today's rap culture. The writer argues that alth...

Gender in Beowulf

readers know that despite her monstrousness, Grendels mother is considered to be human (Porter). When Grendel enters the mead-ha...

Guidance of the Angel Raphael in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In ten pages this paper analyzes the guide role of the angel Raphael in the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton....

The Epic “Beowulf”

present Beowulf as a young hero, who is called upon by his fathers old friend King Hrothgar of Geatland, to defend his subjects ag...

The Un-Human Enemies of Beowulf

The writer discusses the fact that in Beowulf, which is the oldest poem in English, many of Beowulf's enemies are non-humans. Thes...

The Court of King Hrothgar in Beowulf

The writer uses a close reading of the Old English epic poem Beowulf, and in particular the events at King Hrothgar's court, to ex...

The Way in Which Sundiata and Beowulf Present Heroism

The writer compares and contrasts the Old English poem Beowulf with Sundiata, which is an African epic. The writer argues that whi...

A Comparison of the Song of Roland and Beowulf

The writer compares and analyzes the Song of Roland and Beowulf, two epic poems. The main focus of the paper is the death of the r...


(VII). In this he is telling Beowulf that he had many apparently noble men claiming they would get rid of the beast but they drank...

A Modern Viewpoint on Beowulf

The writer considers how we might learn about Beowulf's society by considering what sort of society might have developed if it had...

Book Twenty Four of 'The Iliad' by Homer

In five pages the epic's final chapter is analyzed with the banquet scene and its significance thoroughly considered....

Beowulf v. Odysseus/Who is the most attractive?

announces to all listeners that this warrior has the skill to battle the monster that has terrorizing Heorot. Beowulf battles Gren...

Heroic Greek Definition in 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' of Homer

In seven pages the classical Greek definition of hero as revealed in the epic poems of Homer is discussed....

Analysis of Beowulf

monstrous creature Grendel, Grendels mother, and the dragon - it considers the impact of social obligations (loyalty to God and co...

Lines 2860-2879 of Beowulf

lays dead. No individual has truly come to help him save for one youth, Wiglaf. In these particular lines we note the following: "...

The Culture of the Beowulf Poem

faith primarily in their thane and in "wyrd," which is a pagan reference to fate or destiny, according to Abrams, et al (1968). ...

Epic Hero Status of Odysseus in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

was time to allow Odysseus to return home. Should he be allowed to go back to Ithaka to be reunited with his wife Penelope and hi...

The Heroism of Beowulf

turbulent in respect to British history ("Angelcynn" PG). It was a time when England was first created, and the time of King Arth...