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Anorexia Treatment

the anorexic share qualities of having developed their individual qualities over time as well as the fact that, though time and at...

All About Anorexia Nervosa

and height), an intense fear of becoming fat, and (in females) skipped menstrual periods for at least three months" (Grilo, Sinha,...

Treatment for Adolescent Anorexia

for understanding the nature of compliance issues with treatment programs like vitamin supplementation and provide a quantitative ...

About Anorexia: What It Is, Who Is At Risk and Available Treatments

It is not unusual for anorexics to move from one behavior to the other and back again, several times during their illness (About m...

Anorexia in Children: Its Importance, Who is Affected, Treatments and Agencies Involved

men can develop this disorder, approximately 95% of anorexics are women (St?ppler, 2009). The disorder usually begins to appear in...

Causes, Treatments, and Consequences of Bulimia and Anorexia

In a paper consisting of seven pages gender and age groups are considered in an analysis of causes, treatments, and consequences o...

Residential Treatment of Eating Disorders

In five pages residential treatments that are commonly provided for inpatient sufferers of bulimia and anorexia are examined with ...

Eating Disorders in Women

This 11 page paper examines eating disorders in women. The writer compares two common disorders, bulimia and anorexia nervosa, as ...

Treatment Options for Eating Disorders

In ten pages the components of bulimia, anorexia, and obesity eating disorders are examined in terms of treatment alternatives. T...

Examination of Eating Disorders

perfect? What we are seeking is information about is where that internal critic, gets out of hand, and becomes the food Gestapo, ...

DSM IV, Bulimia, and Anorexia

is necessary to examine how it can be diagnosed and what treatments are available. One of the latest tools in the health professio...

The Physical and Mental Disease Known as Anorexia

In five pages the attributes of anorexia both physical and mental are discussed and include cause and treatment descriptions and a...

Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa

weight is considered as 85% of the normal weight for that individual as described medically by height and a age. In strict terms i...

Anorexia: Informational Essay

be anemia, light-headedness and swollen joints. Reduced muscle mass is also a danger for anorexics; if the disorder becomes sever...

Overview of the Anorexia Eating Disorder

body and thought patterns, and can be triggered by a variety of events (Lucas 5). For example, the stress of starting a new job o...

Overview of Eating Disorders

In twenty pages eating disorders are examined in terms of etiology, presentation, treatment, research, and preventive measures wit...

Anorexia Nervosa and Its Possible Basis in Biology

and anxiety has long been considered indicative of triggering behavior inherent to the eating disorder. An impulsive personality ...


doesnt do any good. When it comes to anorexia nervosa, these young women have a passionate fear of weight gain and poor body image...

Prevention and Management of Constipation

healthcare provider to assess the potential risk of constipation and helping to get preventative measures (Campbell et al, 2001). ...

Chemical Dependency Issues

the substance replaces recreational social or occupational activities (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). * The continuing u...

Using Adrenaline to Treat Anaphylatic Shock

(called IgE) (ONeill, 1990). This then sticks to other cells such as the mast cells or the basophils, this is a chain reaction as ...

The Treatment of Mentally Ill Women in the 19th Century

This 5 page paper discusses the way mentally ill women were treated in the 19th century. The writer argues that mental illness oft...

Anxiety Disorders and Analytic Treatment

In a paper consisting of seven pages the analytic treatment for anxiety orders as classified by DSM IV are discussed in order to d...

The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Panic Attacks

completely harmless. In many ways a panic attack is reminiscent of the fight-or-flight response which arises in frightening situat...


when the disease is treated and cured, the paralysis can disappear; however, nerve damage in the paraplegic is typically unable to...

Students with Dyslexia and Teaching

In five pages this paper discusses dyslexia, treatment effectiveness, and remedial teaching programs....

Alcoholism's Social and Psychological Effects

In eight pages this paper examines the US abuse of alcohol in a consideration of causes, psychological and social effects, and tre...

Human Psychology in William Faulkner's Sanctuary and Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

In three pages this paper examines the primary characters in these two stories in terms of society's treatment of them and human p...

AIDS Victims and Social Alienation

department said last summer that they felt betrayed that Lamson, a four-year veteran of their unit, may have exposed them to the d...

Research Proposal on Intervention Studies Precutaneous Revascularization, Pharmacotherapy, and Exercise in PADr

problems with the arteries that carry the blood away from the heart. In recent years, a focus on arteriosclerosis, hardening of t...