YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Antitrust and Regulation Issues of Economics

Essays 1 - 30

Antitrust and Regulation Issues of Economics

In seven pages various government regulatory issues pertaining to the media, telecommunications, and big business are discussed as...

Is Microsoft an Actual Monopoly?

that there were tacit agreements between producers (Microsoft) and retailers in which the retailer was forced to agree to handle c...

Competition Policy

competition, but also restrict and control it so that free competition remains. Article 82 at first looks to be a strange ...

Social Responsibility, Terminally Ill Citizens, and Euthanasia

In five pages euthanasia is explored in terms of history, types, and issues of economics, living wills, and human rights....

Questions on Healthcare Economics

In six pages U.S. healthcare economics are examined by answering student posed questions regarding reforms to Medicaid, antitrust ...

Government Regulation and Computers

looking into various forms of regulation concerning taxation and prohibition based on pornography laws. Also, pornographic materia...

The Beginnin of Antitrust Laws

This essay briefly discusses some of the Antitrust Acts, e.g., Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act, the Robinson-Patman A...


than the other - as in many cases, there is no such thing as "pure" Keynesian or "pure" monetarism (which is what the Chicago Scho...

Small Business and the Costs of Government Interference

In seven pages private businesses' compliance to government regulations are examined with a discussion of economic and tax issues ...

The Regulatory Framework for Internet Banking in the United States

Traditional banking regulations have not been sufficient to cope with the challenges presented by the online environment and the i...

Answering Questions on Business Economics

known as the holdup problem. In an contract that is not compete, where specific assets are considered there is the possibility of ...

Business and Government Intervention

In five pages this paper examines various type of government intervention into the business sector including reallocation, redistr...

Antitrust Regulation and its Direction

In eight pages the direction of the United States' antitrust regulation is analyzed in a discussion of the long distance telephone...

Questions on Competition

This 6 page paper answers three questions set by the student looking at competition issues. The first looks at the telecommunicati...

Afghanistan Development - Review And Recommendations

nations employ many Afghans. On April 29-30, 2007, Afghanistan held the Fourth Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) in Kabul (Afg...

Antitrust in the 21st Century: Looking at Microsoft

Microsoft was giving away many of its popular products for free through Windows bundles, which it could afford due once again to t...

The Last Three Decades of Antitrust Regulation

In a research paper consisting of five pages the political side of the enforcement of antitrust laws is considered with a comparat...

Economics, Antitrust Laws, and Microsoft Corporation

In twenty pages this research paper examines the antitrust lawsuit filed against Microsoft in a discussion of the software industr...

1890 Sherman Antitrust Act and Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft then approached Mastercard "with a proposal to create a product called Win ATM (ph). If that had happened, Harris said,...

Antitrust Laws and Microsoft Corporation

In eight pages this paper examines the Microsoft antitrust case in a consideration of Judge Jackson's decision with antitrust legi...

Sherman Act of 1890 and Microsoft

In sixteen pages this paper examines the 1998 Microsoft antitrust case in a consideration of relevant legislation such as the prec...

Economics and Nursing

(Nellis and Parker, 2000). Elasticity Elasticity of a good is the measure that assess the impact that a change in price will have...

Corporate Governance

corporate governance has become an issue of regulation as seen with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the US which indicate the in...

Is there Too Much State Regulation of Private Life?

illegal, this protects those in the porn industry and those who cannot protect themselves. Restrictions are also placed on who can...

Development Economics

externalities and distribution are not necessarily accurate when assessing developing economies. There is a strong argument in dev...

Sustainability, Economic Stability, and Regulation in International Fisheries

world society as though they were controlling the pieces on a chessboard, every individual in that great game of chess has the inn...

Economics Issues

This research paper examines five questions, offering answers that pertain to the topic of economics. Topcis include the role play...

Financial Institutions and Influential Factors

In thirty pages financial institutions are examined in terms of the effects on Americans and industry through economics, technolog...

Overview of Experimental Economics

In five pages the contemporary world's utilization of experimental economics is examined in this overview of its history and varie...

Ethical Business

the government of the Netherlands began requiring businesses to improve the environmental footprint they left in the wake of condu...