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Applying Learning Theories to Personal Experience

bell and the unconditioned response was the dogs salivation when it was fed. After the conditioning, the sound of a bell, which ha...

Structuring a Teaching and Personal Learning Theory in Accordance with Albert Bandura's Theories

human motivation are Alfie Kohn and Douglas McGregor. Each of these researchers have their own particular version of what motivat...

Personal Learning Experience

the frogs and cadaver and the association had to do with feelings of inhumane treatment of the frog and the knowledge of the smell...

Transformation and Learning

This essay applies the theories of education developed by Paulo Friere and John Dewey to the personal learning experience of the s...

Applying Ariely's Theories

Ariely offered the Fudge Factor Theory and the theory of ego depletion to explain why good people cheat. This paper provides a bri...

Adult Learning Theories of Freire and Mezirow

In three pages this essay considers the adult learning theories of these scholars when compared to the writer's own personal learn...

A Challenging Learning Experience

no positive reinforcement for me and an aversion to the machine developed. Positive reinforcement refers to when an event or stim...

Paper on Personal Learning Theory

of the development of the intellect is based not only in his conceptualization of the application of learning, but also in the dev...

Sales Internship Reflections

In about seven pages this paper discusses a personal experience serving as a Goya Foods' sales intern or canvasser....

Personnel Writing Sample

to that select population. This teacher was 45, female, special needs certified and black. Her credentials were verified and her...

A Learning Activity and 3 Theoretical Applications

warm-blooded mammals that bear life young and most are insect-eaters (Krantz and Barrow, 2003). Considering the many misconception...

Personal Action Plans

ensure that anything handed in is original student work. This includes taking steps to ensure that materials that are utilized ar...

Learning from Experience

as the years go by a person learns how to drive in particular situations, such as high traffic and bad weather through experience....

Learning How to Drive and the Lessons Learned Along the Way

about the cost of lessons or the upkeep of a car was also attractive, and as such unlike many peers, I did not immediately learn t...

Cognitive Growth Theories

a term applied to the education of handicapped children who had neurological, sensory, cognitive, and/or physical handicaps (Gindi...

Tragic Elements of Hamlet by William Shakespeare

In five pages this paper analyzes the play's tragic elements and then applies them to the experience of the contemporary world....

Reflection on Leadership

influences, such as culture, available skills and needs and the training, development and/or programs that are, or are not, utiliz...

Word Processing Programs Support Cognitive Learning

Word processing programs support the cognitive learning theory by helping students learn how to edit their documents from beginnin...

The Use of Real Options Theory in Financial Management/Modeling

may be hypothesised that real options theory may be seen as a theory more suited to real world applications than the discounted ca...

Learning Theories Applied to Computer Education

This paper addresses the learning theories of constructivism and mastery learning. The author tests these theories by applying th...

Meaningful Learning Experiences

brain and how learning takes place supports moving away from a "mechanistic/Newtonian paradigm" that relies primarily on teacher-d...

Kolb Perry Belenky et al. Erikson

The entitled theories are discussed in terms of the writer's experiences from adolescence to adulthood. These are adult learning t...

Criminal Justice and Various Educational Strategies

appropriate way students are able to obtain a full and eclectic spectrum of what is being taught. Of course, not every subject ne...

Communications and Consistency Theory

Austrian psychologist Fritz Heider developed one of the earliest consistency theories, balance theory, which focused on the relati...

Issues in Educating for Nurses

This essay discusses learning theories, diverse learners, motivation,and evaluation.There are ten sources listed in the bibliogra...

Adult Learning Theory

2006, p. 551). The assignment calls for students to relate how the topic can be applied in their academic life. This perspective...

Humanist and Existentialist Learning Development Compared

The learning theories of Erik Erikson, Victor Frankl, and Carl Rogers are compared in eight pages in terms of learning experience...

Learning and Psychological Theories

In three pages this essay discusses how learning experiences are psychologically influenced in a consideration of humanist, social...

Addiction Behaviors and Two Psychological Theories

up with them. They will become compulsive and obsessive about getting their drug or drink. Classical conditioning theory would e...

"On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner

is, his descriptions help the reader visualize the Dumpster environment. He describes the best method for entering the Dumpster, a...