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Aquinas by F.C. Copleston

education, Aquinas was exposed to the work of the ancient Greek philosophers. Throughout his writing , Aquinas worked out a relati...

Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes/Existence of God

conclusion that "a being than which none greater can be conceived can be conceived to be greater than it is," which is "absurd" (A...

Thomas Aquinas, On Law

reason provides a means of discerning action that is "according to nature" (77). He also cites Augustine in stating that there are...

Intelligent Design and Aquinas

18). Harrison (2006) credits Aquinas as being the "major figure" in the reintroduction of Aristotelian concepts into Western cul...

Western History and the Divine Nature of God

of souls (Frost 104). It is possible that Plato was attempting to use popular belief to promote the teaching of more profound trut...

Authority , Just War and Thomas Aquinas

of Christianity is "Thou Shalt Not Kill," and yet Christians have been killing each other, as well as non-Christians, for millenni...

Comparison of Thomas Aquinas's Writings and The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

greedy for gain" (Machiavelli 56). Men, Machiavelli argued, were by nature more interested in their own good than in achieving th...

Analysis of Shop4Now

abandoned part the way though. The strong relationship with the creation of the superquinn4food, which alone has 25,000 shoppers, ...

Composing Effective Emails

This essay gives an overview of how an email might be rewritten in order to address the 10 C's of effective writing. Four pages in...

Thomas Aquinas

Dominican Order)," dedicating his life to following his Orders commitment to both scholarship and ministry (Honderich, et al 43). ...

Saint Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274)

tutelage of Peter of Ireland to study logic and natural sciences (Kennedy, 2006; McKerny, 2002). It was there that he first met me...

Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas on Religion and Philosophy

truth that transcends the traditional means of understanding or knowing. For Aquinas, reason does have limitations. He writes: "N...

St. Thomas Aquinas On Autonomy And Freedom

and a posterior arguments here, there is a priori knowledge of Gods existence but that knowledge is beyond human understanding. In...

God & The Existence of Evil

choice of Adam and Eve to disobey Gods commandment (Law, 2007). According to Augustine, their acts brought about two crucial conse...

Positivist Law and Natural Law

two very separate subjects. However, there are a number of laws where there are no apparent sanctions non-compliance, therefore s...

Jesus of Nazareth As God

born a Jew and lived under the Jewish law and system (Galatians 4:4). * Jesus life was characterized by service and humility (Phil...

Biography and Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas

The Dominicans were like the Franciscans in that they were a mendicant order wherein the friars "vowed to live faithfully in pover...

Summa Theologica Guide for the Perplexed

he could grasp with his own intellect, what he could actually perceive by his own senses, and what a trustworthy person told him. ...

An Exploration of Natural Law

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at natural law. Aquinas' basic formulations are examined, and criticisms are introduce...

Themes in the Philosophy of Aquinas

as it moves form lower life forms towards more perfect higher forms that are capable of varying degrees of intelligence and ration...

Augustine, Aquinas and Luther/Role of Government

those who would do evil. Augustine couched his ideas on government within his concept of two cities, an earthly city and a city o...

Different Thoughts About Capitalism

property, and divine or eternal laws (Gasser, 2007). They did not necessarily agree but they both offered views on what we can ref...

Who Is The Intelligent Designer

prove the existence of God, which he considered to be self-evident. Aquinas said that when we are not able to demonstrate the caus...

3 Questions on Philosophical Thought and its Effects

like the male philosophers of the day. She was the exception. While by and large, the people saw women as having a subservient pla...

Christianity and Whether or not Belief in God Has Become Less Important Than Belief in Jesus Christ

Christ. The polytheistic society of ancient Greece was already moving toward belief in a single god by the time of Plato and his ...

God's Existence and the Design Argument

from the Appearances of Nature (Beebe, 2002). In this text, Paley wrote: There cannot be design without a designer; contrivance wi...

Thomas Aquinas and Plato on Justice

virtue, i.e., justice, but it is also included under Aquinas discussion of love, specifically under love of ones neighbor, for Go...

Three Medieval Theologians on Knowledge and Love

if Charity is "something created in the soul" (Aquinas 17). Without background knowledge on this debate, his points become somewha...

Aristotle and Aquinas on Beauty

He created man and should do whatever it takes to support his development and sustenance. To that end, he saw it necessary to main...

The First Cause and First Mover Arguments of Thomas Aquinas

principle being expressed is that everything which causes change, or gives rise to existence, must be the result of some predecess...