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Arguing Against Adult Punishment for Children

In four pages this paper argues that children should not be legally punished as adults and confined to separate juvenile detention...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper argues that the high probability of error is sufficient to abolish capital punishment in the United States...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

the loss of a life, even if that life is at the hands of the justice system. Introduction: Consider this: As long as the death...

Arguing Against School Corporal Punishment

inflicted" (Greydanus, et al.) Further, there is "no clear evidence that such punishment effectuates more discipline or better co...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

also recognized that the "overburdened public defense attorneys" who often represent the poor may be a part of the problem that ha...

Research Study 'Children's Judgments About Common Classroom Punishments' Reviewed

study. However, the researchers predicted that children would "evaluate the punishments differently for the moral and conventiona...

Argumentative Death Penalty Paper

the study results that support their position and ignore other research. Studies that compare homicide trends in states and countr...

Child Support Should Not Have to be Paid by Men

chins, pot bellies and receding hair line. With the proper car they have a much better chance of getting a young girl to agree to ...

The Case Against Capital Punishment

applied, was arbitrary and capricious" (67). While it seemed as if the death penalty was beginning to become less popular, this ca...

Abuse in Childhood, Abusers as Adults

raised in an atmosphere of domestic violence. When they see a parent beaten by the spouse, they accept this as normal and may cont...

Alternatives to Physical Punishment in Child Discipline

A paper arguing against physical punishment as a means of negative reinforcement for children. The author presents alternatives t...

Montessori Method: Children Develop At Their Own Pace

Each child is unique and develops at his own pace, an important realization adults must understand to keep from imposing undue pre...

A Case Story Involving Adult Child Abuse

missing the fundamental basics of human life; as such, a legal shift in focus took place in order to provide them with more emphas...

The War in Iraq

reason to go to war with the country. Then it was clearly Saddam who was the culprit, although interestingly enough, "Bin Laden an...

Animal Testing

involve things humans use and things that clearly damage animals in many ways. In looking at the debate, however, one must look ...

Against the Death Penalty

a moral or an ethic is right for it is a very personal reality. As such one can only persuade another to their side with the under...

Torture is Wrong Under Any and All Circumstances

tough new rules of engagement" (Mayer, 2005). This change in viewpoint, which was called the "New Paradigm" by Alberto Gonzales, w...

Against Same Sex Marriages

is what distinguishes us and allows us to distinguish ourselves from other animals and, in the future, from intelligent machines" ...

Book Censorship

series and they desired this because they believed that it encouraged witchcraft. For anyone who has read them and is not of that ...

Against Illegal Immigration

eradicated in the US; suggestions to tighten borders, punish those who hire illegal workers; eliminate amnesty IV CONCLUS...

Arguing Against Parenting by Homosexuals

to conceive a child, so it is a reasonable assumption that children should be raised by their biological parents in most cases. He...

Argument Against Abortion

be religious or Christian to believe that abortion is wrong, and that abortion is murder. One need not rely on the words in the Bi...

Learning Comprehension

in that they know what the purpose of learning how to read is. Children do not necessarily equate a pleasant purpose. There are m...

The Practice of Trying Juveniles As Adults

by the managers and administrators when a juvenile is reminded to an adult facility. Conclusion: Provides a summary of the points...

Illusion in Ingmar Bergman's 1982 Film Fanny and Alexander and Different Interpretations

child with the family maid, Maj (Fanny and Alexander PG). The Ekdahl family mantra is, according to Helena, that actors are not t...

Ethics of Crime and Punishment

theory (which considers social factors, disorganization, control and the learning process)and the rational choice theory (which co...

Key Concepts of Alice Miller's 'Prisoners of Childhood'

This is an analytical paper comprised of 4 pages that examines the dynamics that exist between a gifted child and a narcissist par...

Death Penalty Debate

justice seems to supercede mercy (Budziszewski 39). This author, who is a Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University...

Three Arguments Regarding Capital Punishment

In seven pages this paper considers capital punishment and three arguments such as retribution, intolerable capital offenses, and ...

Corporal Punishment Opposition

topic, there are still many parents and adults in this society who believe that corporal punishment is not only tolerable, but tha...