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Arguing Against Capital Punishment

also recognized that the "overburdened public defense attorneys" who often represent the poor may be a part of the problem that ha...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper argues that the high probability of error is sufficient to abolish capital punishment in the United States...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

the loss of a life, even if that life is at the hands of the justice system. Introduction: Consider this: As long as the death...

Capital Punishment Argument

In five pages this paper defends the practice of capital punishment for certain instances and discusses it as a serious crime dete...

Arguing Against Adult Punishment for Children

In four pages this paper argues that children should not be legally punished as adults and confined to separate juvenile detention...

Arguing Against School Corporal Punishment

inflicted" (Greydanus, et al.) Further, there is "no clear evidence that such punishment effectuates more discipline or better co...

Arguing in Favor of Capital Punishment

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how the death penalty can serve as a crime deterrent as illustrated by large city ...

The Case Against Capital Punishment

applied, was arbitrary and capricious" (67). While it seemed as if the death penalty was beginning to become less popular, this ca...

The Inherent Wrongs of the Death Penalty

This paper argues that taking another life is wrong regardless of what the individual has done. There are three sources listed in...

Death Penalty Arguments Both For and Against

on executions so that the society can take time to figure out why the system is broken (2002). Then, possibly, it is alluded that ...

Opposition to the Death Penalty

be involved with the law when a capital case comes forth. Citizens are faced with ethical dilemmas that they would not come close ...

Stating a Case Against the Death Penalty

actions if they involve pedophilia, rape or murder. The families of murder victims often wait for a verdict of death and believe t...

Argumentative Death Penalty Paper

the study results that support their position and ignore other research. Studies that compare homicide trends in states and countr...

Three Arguments Regarding Capital Punishment

In seven pages this paper considers capital punishment and three arguments such as retribution, intolerable capital offenses, and ...

Letter to the Editor and Utilitarian Philosophy

In two pages this paper is structured as a letter to the editor and considers capital punishment form a utilitarian philosophical ...

Sophism and Apology by Plato

In five pages this paper examines Socrates' arguments regarding capital punishment and the sophist foundation that cements them....

Consequentialism and Capital Punishment

more important than the outcome. The latter sees the consequences as the most important thing and so would exceed the speed limit ...

Research Proposal on the Deterrent of Capital Punishment

example, a parent might threaten to spank a child and the fear of the spanking would have a deterrent effect. Thus, the child woul...

Death Penalty Debate

justice seems to supercede mercy (Budziszewski 39). This author, who is a Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University...

Capital Punishment and Donald P. Roper v. Christopher Simmons

death (2004). While evidentiary rules are not pertinent here in terms of the guilt of the defendant, evidence is pertinent in resp...

Why Capital Punishment is Necessary

is, if someone commits a heinous crime, they deserve a similar fate. The death penalty is sometimes not nearly as harsh as the cri...

Capital Punishment: Morally Acceptable And Effective Crime Deterrent

far less heinous than murder, so how is it that the Bible can be mistaken for harboring judgmental opinion against capital punishm...

Capital Punishment and Endemic Racism

penalty was much more likely to be imposed. While Texas and California do not share the same frequency in use of capital pu...

'Cruel and Unusual Punishment' and the 8th Amendment

punishment.iv It was a close vote of 4 to 3, which means that not all justices on that court believed electrocution to be cruel an...

Capital Structure of Ohio Casualty Corp

million1 this is made up of $4,336.7 debt and $1,426.4 in equity. This means that 77.3% of the company capital is debt and only 22...

Against Same Sex Marriages

is what distinguishes us and allows us to distinguish ourselves from other animals and, in the future, from intelligent machines" ...

Book Censorship

series and they desired this because they believed that it encouraged witchcraft. For anyone who has read them and is not of that ...

Torture is Wrong Under Any and All Circumstances

tough new rules of engagement" (Mayer, 2005). This change in viewpoint, which was called the "New Paradigm" by Alberto Gonzales, w...

Against Illegal Immigration

eradicated in the US; suggestions to tighten borders, punish those who hire illegal workers; eliminate amnesty IV CONCLUS...

Arguing Against Parenting by Homosexuals

to conceive a child, so it is a reasonable assumption that children should be raised by their biological parents in most cases. He...